150-431-115-01, Revision 01
September 22, 1998
HLU-431 List 1E
HiGain systems provide a cost-effective, easy-to-deploy method for delivering T1 High Capacity Digital Service
(HCDS) over metallic pairs.
The service is deployed over two unconditioned, non-loaded copper pairs, yet it demonstrates a quality that
is competitive with fiber optics.
Conventional, in-line, T1 repeaters are not required.
Cable pair conditioning, pair separation and bridged tap removal are not required.
Each loop has no more than 35 dB of loss at 196 kHz, with driving and terminating impedances of 135
provides a “loss” guide for the various cable gauges at 196 kHz and 135
. The table applies to the HDSL
cable pairs between the HLU, HRU, and HDU modules. In the absence of specific insertion loss measurement
data, add 3 dB for each bridged tap and 1 dB for each cable gauge change.
In general, HiGain systems:
operate with any number of other T1, POTS, Digital Data Service (DDS) or other HiGain systems sharing the
same cable binder group
can be used with customers requiring DS1 service on a temporary or permanent basis
provide a means of quickly deploying service in advance of fiber-optic transmission systems.
With a HiGain system, service can be provided within hours. Fiber-optic systems can be installed incrementally
and cut-over from the installed HiGain system when convenient to do so.
Applications without HiGain Doublers
This section addresses HLU-431 List 1E operation when used without doublers. For applications without
doublers, the HLU-431 is directly connected to the HRU by the two HDSL cable pairs. The HLU-431 is
compatible with all HiGain HRUs.
Table 1.
HDSL Loss Over Cables
Cable Gauge
Loop Loss at 196 kHz
Loop Resistance
per kft)
26 AWG/0.4 mm
24 AWG/0.51mm
22 AWG/0.61mm
19 AWG/0.91mm