700-712-100-01, Revision 01
May 10, 1999
UTU-712 and ETU-762 List 1
PairGain firmware updates and SNMP Management Information Bases (MIBs) for HiGain-ETSI products can be
downloaded from two sources, the PairGain FTP Site at ftp.pairgain.com/etsi and the Customer Site portion of the
PairGain Web site at www.pairgain.com. A password is required to download from either site. If you do not have
a password, contact your PairGain sales representative.
From the PairGain FTP Site, select the type of firmware you wish to download from Directory etsi. Then select
the firmware version.
From the PairGain Web site, select Customer Site and then Firmware Updates. Enter your user name and
password, and select the type of firmware you wish to download.
The shelf, enclosure, and desktop units within the PairGain HiGain-ETSI product line have been affixed with the
CE mark. This is based on compliance of the complete PairGain HiGain-ETSI product line with directive
89/336/EEC as amended by directive 93/68/EEC.
The power required by the host and the total of all installed cards shall not exceed the power specification of the
host receiver.
The power requirements for the UTU-712 HDSL card and the ETU-762 desktop unit are provided in the
“Specifications” section on
It is essential that when the equipment is installed in a receiver, the minimum creepage and clearance distances
between the equipment and any devices that use or generate hazardous voltages (42.4V peak AC or 60Vdc) are
as shown in
With the exception of the host connection, the minimum distance must be maintained
between the card and all other assemblies that use or generate the voltages shown. The larger distance shown in
brackets applies where the local environment within the host is subject to conductive pollution or dry non-
conductive pollution that could become conductive due to condensation.
Failure to meet these minimum distances would invalidate the approval.
The analog telecommunications interface is intended to be connected to TNV circuits that may carry dangerous
voltages. The HDSL cord must remain disconnected from the telecommunications system until the card has been
installed and the cover replaced onto the receiver. If the cover needs to be re-opened, the HDSL cord must be
disconnected prior to accessing any internal parts that may carry TNV.
All PairGain HiGain-ETSI shelves and enclosures meet these host receiver requirements.
Table 39.
Minimum Creepage and Clearance Distances
Clearance (mm)
Creepage (mm)
Voltage used or Generated by
Host or other cards
2.4 [3.8]
Up to 50 Vrms or DC
3.0 [4.8]
Up to 125 Vrms or DC
5.0 [8.0]
Up to 250 Vrms or DC
6.4 [10.0]
Up to 300 Vrms or DC