Front Panel
150-388-105-05, Revision 05
March 25, 2000
HLU-388 List 5
lists the front-panel display messages. The four-character display reports the code of a pertinent alarm,
loopback, or diagnostic message. In some cases the four-character display is followed by a second four-character
message that modifies the first with a value or current configuration setting.
The front-panel display turns on when power is initially applied to the HLU-388. To conserve power, the display
only remains on for 4 minutes. The use of the MODE or SEL buttons activates the front-panel display and restarts
the 4 minute, power-control timer.
Table 3.
Front Panel Display Messages
Full Name
Alarm Cutoff
A system alarm has occurred and has been retired to an ACO
condition by pressing the SEL button on the HLU front panel.
Alarm Condition
A system alarm condition is in effect.
Bit Error Rate
A system BER alarm is in effect.
Local Loss of Signal
Indicates that no signal is detected at the T1 input to the HLU.
Causes a system alarm.
Loss of Sync Word
Indicates that one of the HDSL loops has lost sync. Causes a system
MAL1 or MAL2
Margin Alarm Loop 1 or Loop 2
The margin on HDSL Loop 1 or Loop 2 has dropped below the
threshold (1 to 15 dB) as set by the operator.
Remote Loss of Signal
Indicates that no signal is detected at the DS1 input to the HRU.
Causes a system alarm.
Customer Doubler Unit n Loopback
Query to initiate loopback at doubler n to CI, where n is the number
of the doubler.
Customer Local Loopback
Signal from customer is looped back to the customer at the HRU.
Customer Remote Loopback
Signal from customer is looped back to the customer at HLU-388.
Network Doubler Unit n Loopback
Query to initiate loopback at doubler n to network, where n is the
number of the doubler.
Network Local Loopback
DSX-1 signal is looped back to DSX-1 at HLU.
Network Remote Loopback
DSX-1 signal is looped back to DSX-1 at the HRU.
Remote SmartJack Loopback
DSX-1 is looped back at the HRU by the HRU SmartJack module.
Transmit Loss of Signal
DSX-1 signal is looped back to the DSX-1 interface at the HRU. HRU
is in a logic loopback state caused by a loss of its DS1 input from
the CI, if enabled at the HRU by its TLOS switch option.
1=xx or 2=yy
HDSL Loop Margins
Indicates the power of the received HDSL signal on each loop
relative to noise. Any value of ‘06’ or greater is adequate for reliable
system operation.
ACQ1 or ACQ2
Acquisition 1 or Acquisition 2
The multiplexers of the HLU and the HRU, or first doubler, are trying
to establish synchronization over Loop 1 or Loop 2 of Span 1.
AnL1 or AnL2
Acquisition n Loop 1 or Loop 2
The multiplexers of the two devices on Span n are trying to establish
synchronization with each other on Loop 1 or Loop 2, where n is the
number of the span.
HiGain System Armed
Armed to respond to Intelligent Repeater loop codes.