3. The length of the wire run.
While is possible to install wire runs (the wiring between the wind turbine and the wind
turbine electronics) of several hundred meters (650 ft) or more, the costs for long wire runs,
particularly if they are buried, can be prohibitive.
The longer the wire run, the larger and more expensive the wire that is required to
conduct the electricity with acceptable losses.
As a general rule, wire runs over 100 meters (330 ft.) if buried or 200 meters (650 ft.) if installed
overhead should be avoided because of their high costs. On the SeaHawk it is not possible to
use transformers to increase the wire run voltage because the wire run is direct current (DC).
Transformers only work with alternating current (AC).
4. General convenience.
Often the most compelling consideration for locating the wind turbine tower is the space
where it will not interfere with vehicle traffic, fence lines, crops, gardens, septic system lateral
lines, power poles, etc. Since the wind turbine installation is semi-permanent, your future
plans for the property should also be taken into consideration. When using a Tilt Tower you
should consider the extra space needed for the tower when its is tilted down.
5. Safety
The SeaHawk should never be installed close to a power line. We recommend that the tower be
at least 1 ½ times the height of the tower from any power line including any overhead service line
bringing power to your home.
Although the SeaHawk contains metal, which readily conducts electricity, the cage
assembly is surrounded by non-conducting materials, however, if any part of the wind
turbine that contains metal or the tower it’s mounted on makes contact with power lines
there is a risk of electrocution.
We also recommend that any guy wire anchors be kept away from roads or paths used by
D. Wiring
The basic electrical schematic for the SeaHawk battery charging system is shown in Figure 5.
The wind turbine alternator produces 3-phase AC, which is rectified into DC in the PMG. A two
(2)- conductor wire is needed between the wind turbine and the MorningStar TriStar TS-60
Controller. The MorningStar TriStar TS-60 Controller requires a fuse for the wind turbine input, so
a fused-disconnect switch is recommended at the base of the tower per the MorningStar TriStar
TS-60 Controller manual.
We recommend that the tower wiring be with SO cord. The SO cord’s neoprene jacket will
provide good abrasion resistance. For ground runs we recommend THHN wire buried inside
plastic conduit rated for electrical service. A suitable watertight junction box should be installed at
the base of the tower to enclose the wire connections between the tower and underground wiring.
In some cases it will be possible to provide direct point-to-point wiring between the SeaHawk
wind turbine and the MorningStar TriStar TS-60 Controller. For this purpose we recommend 2-
conductor VNTC (Vinyl Nylon Tray Cable), which is suitable for outdoor and direct burial