Brake pad aligned with the rim surface
Pad and rim should be parallel.
Direction of rim
1- 2 mm
Cantilever Brakes - Utilizing a Straddle Cable
The length of the straddle cable, the height of the straddle hanger, and
the brake pad-to-caliper arm position all have an effect on braking
power. Generally, the straddle cable bridge is set low and close to the
tire for maximum braking force. The straddle cable should be high
enough, however, to adequately clear the tire (and any debris that
may stick to the tire) or to fit over the front reflector hanger. In the
event of brake cable failure, the front reflector hanger would prevent
the straddle cable from catching in the tire and locking up the front
wheel. The straddle cable length (when adjustable) is set to transfer
as much force to the brake pads as possible. For the most efficient
transfer of force, the straddle cable and the line between the
cantilever pivot and the cable anchor should form a right angle (90
degrees). If the force is not at a right angle, part of the force gets
wasted in pulling on the brake post, which has no effect on braking.
Brake Cable
Straddle Hanger
Straddle Cable
Caliper Arm
Pinch Bolt
0.5 - 1.0 mm