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C. Radiation monitoring:
Specific regulations regarding the monitoring of possible radiation leakage of
industrial x-ray cabinets are determined by the individual state or country.
There are a number of measures, which can be taken to provide a means of
cursory monitori ng.
D. Dosimeter badges:
Dosimeter badges can be obtained from:
1) Siemens Dosimetry
Barrington Road
Hoffman Estates, IL 60195
(800) 666-4552 2501
2) R.S. Landauer & Co
2 Science Road
Glenwood, IL 60425
(708) 755-7000
Dosimeter badges can be placed by the equipment or worn by the
individual to constantly record any x-ray exposure. At the end of the
month a replacement dosimeter is sent and the present months dosimeter
is returned to the dosimeter service company. A report is issued monthly
tabulati ng any x-ray exposure received. A dosimeter service is most
useful in that documented records are established for the corporation
showing that no radiation leakage has occurred.
E. Radiation survey meters:
Radiation survey meters detect the presence of ionizing radiation and
display a value in units of mR/hr (milli Roentgens per hour). It is generally
a good idea to have, as part of a radiation safety program, a radiation
survey meter. The monitor –4EC survey meter is available from PACE.
The Monitor-4EX employs an energy compensated G-M tube to measure
the presence of radiation. It is calibrated to Cs-137. The Monitor-4EX can
be used to detect any radiation leakage from x-ray systems.
F. Radiation safety training:
PACE can provide or recommend providers of operation and radiation
safety training to ensure that the facility is in compliance with all state and
federal radiation regulations.