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P a g e
7-9 months
So What?
Now What?
What can my child do now?
So what can hurt
my child?
Now What can I do to keep my child safe?
Pulls up to stand
Stands, holding on
Can get into sitting position
Sits without support
Once your baby starts to roll, crawl or walk they can easily
get to the stairs. Install wall-mounted gates at the top of
the stairs and pressure-mounted gates at the bottom of
the stairs so they don’t fall down.
Before your baby can pull to stand in their crib, lower the
crib mattress to the lowest position and keep the rails up
to prevent them from falling out of the crib.
Window screens will not keep your baby from falling
through the window. Put quick release guards on all
windows above the first floor and keep balcony doors
closed and locked.
Puts things in mouth
Looks for things they see you hide
Pulls up to stand
Visitors may have prescription medication, tobacco or
other items in their purses or bags that could poison your
child. Make sure to place them off the floor and out of
your child’s reach.
When your baby can pull to a stand they can reach things
on tables and shelves. Clean up anything that could harm
your baby, such as ashtrays, left over alcoholic drinks, and
poisonous plants right away.
10-12 months
So What?
Now What?
What can my child do now?
So what can hurt
my child?
Now What can I do to keep my child safe?
May take a few steps without holding on
May stand alone
When your baby starts walking they can quickly get to the
stairs. Install sturdy wall-mounted gates at the top of the
stairs and pressure-mounted gates at the bottom of the
stairs so they don’t fall.
Pulls up to stand
Walks holding on to furniture (“cruising”)
Let your child play on the floor or secured in their
highchair while you prepare meals. Playing with pots,
spoons, and plastic bowls lets them safely copy what you
do, while keeping them away from hot items.
Once your baby can stand they can reach hot things on
the stove. Make sure to turn pot handles in and use the
back burners as much as possible.
Pulls up to stand
Walks holding on to furniture (“cruising”)
Throw out any poisonous plant in your house or garden.
Use this website to figure out if your plants are poisonous: