Trouble Shooting
If you encounter any issues with you VS105, please see below for trouble shooting
guide before contacting customer support.
In order to maintain the longevity of your VS 105, we strongly recommend
to pause at least 20 seconds between each seal.
The Vacuum Sealer
won’t turn on
▪ Ensure that the machine is properly plugged into a grounded outlet.
▪ Check the power cord for tears and frays. Do not use machine if power cord
is damaged.
The Vacuum Sealer
doesn’t pull a complete vacuum with bags
▪ To vacuum and seal properly, the edge of bag must be across the seal bar.
Make sure the bag is inside the chamber seal gasket and that there are no
wrinkles in the bag along the seal bar.
▪ If packaging from a roll bag, make sure first seal is complete and that there are
no gaps in either seal.
▪ The Vacuum Sealer and vacuum bag need to be clean, dry and free of debris
for the vacuum process to be successful. Wipe the surface of seal bar and
inside of bag and try again.
Vacuum bag loses vacuum after being sealed
▪ Sharp items can puncture small holes in bags. To prevent this, cover sharp
edges with paper towel and vacuum in a new bag.