appliance power consumption (in Watts) with the currently measured power factor (in %), the maximum
measured watts/PF (indicated by the MAX icon) and the minimum measured watts/PF (indicated by the
MIN icon). The display will return to the currently measured values after a few seconds. Pressing and
holding the Watt/PF key for a few seconds will delete the memorized MAX/MIN values. The measured
power consumption is the sum of all connected appliances.
3. KWH/Leakge
key: Pressing the KWH/Leakge key repeatedly will cycle through displaying the
cumulative appliance power consumption (in Kilowatt Hours) since last reset with the currently
measured leakage current (in milliamps), the maximum measured leakage current (indicated by the
MAX icon) and the minimum measured leakage current (indicated by the MIN icon). The display will
return to the currently measured values after a few seconds. Pressing and holding the KWH/Leakge key
for a few seconds will delete the memorized MAX/MIN values for leakage current. There are no
MAX/MIN values for KWH as it is a cumulative value.
4. Elapsed
key: Pressing the Elapsed time key repeatedly will cycle through displaying the elapsed
time of energy usage in Days:Hours and Hours:Minutes. Pressing and holding the Elapsed Time key for
a few seconds will reset the elapsed time counter to zero and will clear cumulative KWH measurement.
Be sure you have taken note of KWH measurements (if desired) before you reset as they cannot be
retrieved once reset.
Retained Measurements:
1. When power to the Kill A Watt™
is interrupted, the display will go blank and the unit will stop
measuring consumption and elapsed time. However all accumulated measurements including KWH and
Elapsed Time will be retained.
2. This allows the user to take measurements anywhere and relocate the unit to a more convenient
location to read the display. When the unit is plugged back in, the display will become active and will
flash as an indicator of power interruption. Press any key momentarily to cancel the flashing. The
accumulated KWH measurement can be retrieved by using the KWH/Leakge key. The accumulated
elapsed time can be retrieved by using the Elapsed Time key. Data should be retrieved immediately as
the Elapsed Time counter will restart and potentially skew the data as time with no load elapses.
Pressing and holding the Elapsed Time key for a few seconds will reset the elapsed time counter to
zero and will clear cumulative KWH measurement. Be sure you have taken note of KWH measurements
(if desired) before you reset as they cannot be retrieved once reset.
Protection Functions:
Max. Amps
switch: This switch on the control panel allows the user to optionally select the maximum
current (Amps) the unit will deliver to the attached appliances without automatically shutting off. Use a
small screwdriver to select 2A, 5A, 10A or 15A (factory default).
Setting Procedure:
a. Use a small screwdriver to select 15A (factory default setting).
b. Connect all appliances to the unit and operate appliances at their highest level.
c. Press the Volt/Amp key to observe the current value (Amps) consumed by appliances.
d. Turn off the connected appliances and turn the unit off.
e. Use the small screwdriver to set Max. Amps to the next highest value. For example if the LCD
display indicates your appliances are consuming 6.12 Amps at their highest level, set the Max.
Amps switch to 10A. In the future, if the attached appliances begin to draw a higher than normal
load and exceed 10A of current, the unit will go into Over Current Mode (see below), shut off
power and help protect the connected appliances.
f. Resume normal operation.
NFB (No Fuse Breaker)
The NFB will activate when the unit is subject to overload. Press the NFB to
reset and restart.