Select the “grey fibreglass roof front pole with
the green sticker” and slide through the pole
sleeves that run across the top of the front entry
of the mesh sunroom. Insert the ends of the
“grey fibreglass roof front pole with the green
sticker” into the narrow opening of the 2-way
hubs that are pre-attached to the tent.
Select the “grey fibreglass roof centre pole with
the grey sticker” and slide through the sleeve
with grey trim that runs across the top of the
rear of the mesh sunroom closest the centre of
the tent. Insert the ends of the “grey fibreglass
roof centre pole with the grey sticker” into the
narrow opening of the 2-way hubs that are pre-
attached to the tent.
Now select one of the “grey fibreglass roof side
poles with blue sticker” and slide through the
sleeve with blue trim that run across the tent
above the side doors of the tent. Insert the ends
of the “grey fibreglass roof side poles with blue
sticker” into the narrow opening of the 2-way
hubs that are pre-attached to the tent.
Repeat this process for the remaining “grey
fibreglass roof side poles with blue sticker” and
slide through the sleeve with blue trim that
run across the tent above the side door on the
opposite side of the tent.
Assembly Instructions cont.
Before attempting this step it helps to
open the doors of the tent. This allows for
the air to enter into the tent as you raise it.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 6. Allow the poles to bow into their
natural curve at this stage. While holding the
pole in position, beginning at the base and
working your way towards the apex of the
tent, clip the J Hooks of the inner tent onto the
pole, see Figure 7. The central tent will stand up
during this step.
Step 6 Installing the roof
Step 7 Installing the wall
Select one of the “silver steel side wall poles”,
insert an end into the remaining opening of
the 2-way hub and insert the opposite end of
the pole onto the corresponding Pin and Ring
assembly at the base of the tent, see Figure 2.
The correct pin is not always directly below, the
“silver steel side wall poles” for the pole above
the side doors and the front door of the mesh
sunroom sit inclined along the side wall at
approximately 60 degrees. Repeat this process
for the remaining seven “silver steel side wall
poles”. The rest of the tent will stand up during
this process, see Figure 8. Connect the J-Hooks
attached to the inner tent onto the poles. Peg
out all remaining peg points around base of tent.