GPT3G005COV User Manual
Advanced Operation & Setting
Check Authorized Phone Number by SMS
Send SMS “CHECKPHONE*123456” to the tracker number, “CHECKPHONE” is command; “123456” is
password; the tracker will send back the information “Authorized Phone A: 13987654321
13765432100 , the phone number is just an example.
Delete Authorized Phone Number by SMS
Send SMS “DELETEPHONE*123456*A” to the tracker number, “DELETEPHONE” is command; “123456” is
password; “A” is authorized phone number location, there are 3 locations “A” and “B” and “C”; if the delete
operation is success, the tracker will send back the information ”Delete Authorized Phone OK”.
Check Tracker Password
Send SMS “CHECKPASSWORD#” to the tracker number, “CHECKPASSWORD” is command, if the operation
is success, the tracker will send back the information “Password
888888”; “888888”is an example.
The tracker password is used to protect the tracker only can be operated by owner, every SMS command need
follow tracker password, the default tracker password is 123456, for higher security please change the tracker
password, this password is different with the tracking platform login password.
Note: Only The authorized phone can check the password.
Change Tracker Password
Send SMS “CHANGEPASSWORD*123456*888888” to the tracker number, “CHANGEPASSWORD” is
command; “123456” is old password; “888888” is new password; if the operation is success, the tracker will
send the information “ New Password
888888” to every preset phone number”.
Note: Only the authorized phone can change the password.
Set Alarm by SMS: ON/OFF
Send SMS “SMSON*123456” (Sending SMS to authorized number) or “SMSOFF*123456” (No SMS) to the
tracker, “SMSON” or “SMSOFF” is a command, “123456” is the tracker password, the tracker will send back
the information “Alarm by SMS : ON” or “Alarm by SMS :OFF”, If the alarm by SMS is ON, then when the
alarm is triggered, the tracker will send SMS to the authorized number to notice the alarm.the default setting
is ON.
Set APN & GPRS User name and Password
This tracker can download & configure APN & GPRS username password automatically after power on, if the
APN & GPRS user name password are not right, then you need sending SMS to tracker to change them, if
the tracker can not upload location to platform (Red LED flash twice), please confirm the auto configuration of
APN & GPRS user name password is right, the APN name and GPRS user name & password please call
your tracker SIM card mobile phone company to confirm, the auto configuration APN & GPRS of the tracker