o z o n e k i t e s
I N S P I R E D B Y N AT U R E / / D R I V E N B Y T H E E L E M E N T S / / F LY O Z O N E . C O M
always double check your lines before launching. Wrongly attached lines will stop
the kite flying correctly and could therefore mean you have no control of the kite putting yourself
in a dangerous situation.
ChiCKen LOOp COnneCtiOn
beLOW the baR safety (ReCOmmenDeD safety OptiOn)
OzOne CLOseD CeLL fOiL safety system
all Ozone safety systems require the user to operate them manually in the case
of an emergency. It is imperative the kite is set-up as shown in the manual, incorrect setup will
compromise the operation of the safety system. all lines and de-power systems must be tangle
free and the safety leash connected in the right way, see pictures.
the chicken loop is the primary connection to the kite.
Make sure you connect to the chickenloop using the
finger as shown in the pictures.
Attach the safety leash to the total flag out system. This is the small eyelet on the steel ring at the bottom of the
Megatron, see pictures. In an emergency situation, when the chicken loop is released, the kite will flag out completely
with no power.
aDvanCeD RiDeRs (use at your own risk, not recommended)
Riders doing unhooked tricks or who are more confident and have spent many hours on the water can attach to the
ring using the suicide system, where the chicken loop runs through the large eye of the steel ring, see pictures.
note: if you let go of the bar (without releasing the Megatron, e.g. missed handle pass) the kite will de-power but
WILL NOT flag out. Also be aware that in this situation, the Megatron will be out of reach and can therefore not be
released. if you are hooked in and release the Megatron the steel ring automatically comes off the chicken loop and
the kite will flag out.