Scientists have long acknowledged ozone’s efficacy at the microbial level, and it has been
in use for years in hospitals, manufacturing, and other highly sterilized environments.
Ozone’s cleaning power is supported by the FDA, USDA, CDC and EPA. Large cities like
Los Angeles, Tucson, Dallas, Seattle, and Orlando use ozone to purify their water.
So why don’t we hear more about it?
A handful of ozone-related products have hit
the market, but none of them have the right
size and design to produce an adequate and
safe amount of ozone.
That’s where OZ comes in.
With Oz in your life, you’ll breathe better air.
[ Tip ]
Ozone is recommended by the International Bottled Water Association as an
excellent way to clean water while bottling. In addition, ozone enjoys “GRAS”
status from the FDA for use in killing bacteria in meat and product packaging
and preparation. Did you know that chlorine has not been allowed at Olympic
swimming and diving venues for years?
The preferred sanitizer? Ozone.
Ozone is the ultimate decontaminant.
The Oz Portable Ozone Generator works like magic but it
is not, it is science! The generator produces ozone, one of
natures oxidants. Other examples of common oxidants are
chlorine bleach, hydrogen peroxide, and fluorine.
Ozone cannot be stored so it must be produced where and
when you want to use it. That is the beauty of Oz. With a
portable and powerful design and low power usage it can be
used all around the house, garage and office.
Ozone leaves no residue, so no cleanup is necessary. Unlike
chlorine bleach it is not flammable, will not damage skin and it
is not a poison. Unlike chlorine bleach and hydrogen peroxide
it does not have to be stored or refilled. As long as you have
an Oz Portable Ozone Generator you will have the cleaning
power of ozone!