Step 1 – Choose a Suitable Site
Find a site that is in open-sky, with no reflective objects
like trees or buildings. Reflections degrade the quality
of the corrections.
The RT-Base unit should not be left in direct sunlight or
the battery may be damaged.
Step 2 – Connecting RT-Base System
Mount the GPS Antenna on the top of the tripod, or to a
secure pole. The GPS Antenna should not be able to
move even slightly.
Connect the GPS Antenna to the RT-Base unit using the
15m TNC-TNC cable provided.
Connect the RT-Base unit to the Radio Modem Aerial
and mount the aerial at least 2m away from the GPS
Never connect the GPS Antenna to the Radio Aerial
port on the RT-Base unit or it may be damaged.
Step 3 – Turning on the RT-Base
Turn on the RT-Base unit. The display will follow the
sequence below.
If the GPS Antenna is in exactly the same location as
the last saved position then press the Restore/Save but-
ton before the Averaging step is complete.
If the GPS Antenna is in a new location then simply
leave the RT-Base unit to find satellites (2) and average
its position (3).
Once the RT-Base unit is ready the display will show
the Latitude, Longitude and Altitude of the RT-Base
Antenna. To save this location (and use it again next
time) press the Restore/Save button.
The RT-Base will now be transmitting corrections on its
radio link.