4. Tap the "+" on the bottom-right corner of the App to add your device.
5. Search 'SmartONE' and login your SmartONE account to link your
Voice Support:
1. Ask about the current temperature
"OK Google, what's the temperature of [thermostat name]"
"OK Google, what's the [thermostat name] temperature?"
"OK Google, ask [thermostat name] the temperature"
2. Change the temperature.
"OK Google, set [thermostat name] to [target temperature]"
"OK Google, raise/lower the thermostat temperature by [number] degrees"
"OK Google, raise/lower the [thermostat name] temperature by [number]
"OK Google, increase/decrease the [thermostat name] temperature"
"OK Google, increase/decrease [thermostat name] by [number] degrees"
"OK Google, make it cooler in here"