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Please make sure that the three holes on the top of the CCRC are visible as are the 3 holes on the bottom. In fact the
installer should be able to see light from behind the CCRC since there is a clear path flowing up through the front
panel. The front panel is welded cold roll steel. It is designed to be strong against any bumping.
Face Plate
The smooth face plate is done so that it can survive people and tray tables bumping.
Room Designators
There is a paper pull tag on the face plate. This pull tag will open the access to room designator space for all three
inputs. Using the P Touch ¼ in labeling machine, experiment to get the exact spacing for Input Designation.
Audio Present indicators
Each input has a green light associated with the input level control. Immediately above the control is the audio present
lamp. Just above that is the overload lamp. If that is flashing red, the amplifier is in clipping and the level should be
turned down.
The CCRC uses one of the most popular and reliable microcontrollers available. It makes possible many of the
advanced features of the CCRC.
Room Combiner
There are several configurations of room combining the CCRC will support.
Background music on Ch 3
In this configuration, Back ground music is run to the CH3 inputs of all the rooms with background music. In this
case, two sets of wires will be on the Ch 3 input. The connector will easily hold this quantity of 22 ga. Wire. The same
rule of shields applies here. Going into Ch3 the shield is attached. Going out of the same connector and on to the next
CCRC, do not connect the shield. In this configuration, there are two available inputs to be used for Line or Mic inputs
for each room. As the room is set up, the back ground music can be adjusted appropriately. Similarly,
two styles of music can be available on Ch’s 2 and 3 leaving Ch 1 for the room input.
With the popularity of small audio mixers being used in hotel rooms, any number of microphones can be used and
plug into a wall connector that wires to Input 1.
Two Room Combiner
Let’s call them rooms A and B.
The A, CCRC then has room B on its input Ch 2. If the rooms are combined then both levels are turned up. If not, then
Ch 2 (room B) is left off. Again, Background Music can be placed on Ch3.
Three Room Combiner
Let’s call them rooms A,B, and C. There is a CCRC in each of the rooms. There is CCRC (A), CCRC (B) and CCRC
(C). The line out of each CCRC is now needed. For simplicity, we’ll call Ch1 room (A), Ch2 room (B) and Ch 3 room
(C). Each of the Line outputs will need to be wired to their inputs on the other two rooms.
Room A’s line output will wire to the other two A inputs in room B and C. Following the same rules of how to tie
down the shields. When you connect two CCRC’s, the line out shield is NOT connected. Connect it at the Ch inputs.
This simple rule will keep hum out of the system.
For Room Combining, we have a special feature
There is a need for privacy between the Cosmetics company in room A, a school meeting in room B and the police
association in room C. We don’t want any embarrassing mistakes. Room A can be made private by pressing
simultaneously on Ch 1 (room A) up and down arrows. This will cause the overload lamp to turn on continuously as a
signal that the room has been made private.
To combine the rooms for an evening dinner, press the up and down arrow simultaneously and the lamp will turn off
indicating the privacy feature is off.