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Having many of the recent most popular installer features, the AMP4IC6 power module is made
to expressly fit onto the OWI Model IC6 coaxial speaker providing a high fidelity module of up
to 25 watts of Class AB power right at the speaker. By being within inches of the speaker, the
amplifier enjoys maximum damping control of the speaker since the speaker sees optimum low
source impedance for maximum high fidelity reproduction. By being a dedicated amplifier to this
speaker, it is tailored to match the speaker for optimum response.
Lower Noise Feature, Differential input
The power module has critical features making it a fast and easy install in the field. To reject noise, it has
a fully differential amplifier at its input. Also it provides the same kind of noise suppression a transformer
does with excellent common mode noise rejection.
Single ended sources (unbalanced) such as CD, DVD
Where the source is single ended such as CD player, plus goes to plus and the shield goes to the
minus input. If any noise is observed, place a jumper between minus and ground.
Minimum additional space
The amplifier is molded to fit exactly around the speaker magnet allowing the smallest possible
size. It adds barely an eighth of an inch more depth for those tight installations. For convenience
the connectors located under the PCB are docking and simply unplug allowing convenient wire
To further enhance it’s ease of installation, each power module has both a second
connector for
downstream amplifiers and individual volume controls at each amplifier. If no controls are wished at the
speaker, simply turn it fully clockwise for maximum gain and set levels at the control electronics.
Wiring to down stream power modules using the provided output connector
Wire Plus to Plus, Minus to Minus, but only connect one end of the shield at the second amplifier
module. This will optimize system noise. For third amplifiers etc. follow the same rule; connect
all three wires at the farthest module and don’t connect the shield at the second connector
Wiring the speakers. -
The amplifier is capable of delivering power into either 4 or 8 ohms.
1 speaker – direct
2 speakers – Parallel - Since the speaker is 8 ohms, two in parallel work well
4 Speakers – Use series parallel- Wire speaker pairs in series then take the pairs and place them
in parallel. This will provide approximately 6.5 watts per speaker or a maximum of 25 watts.
Actually the output power is influenced by the length the wire is run, and wire gauge.
Power source
Power is provided by a 12 volts AC source. There is no polarity on the power input.
If the installer is stuck with only DC, it will work too. Either AC or DC power source will work up to 14
volts. The Power Module AMP4IC6 comes with a 12-volt AC power supply optimized for this amplifier.