Owandy Opteo Installation And User Manual Download Page 10








7. Na


8. Th


9. Th


10. Cl


11. Fi

The “Opteo
window clic
window tha




drivers. Ref

1. Se
2. In 
3. Se


4. Cl
5. Af
6. A 
7. Th


8. Cl


Manual ins

of the O.S.P

1. Ins
2. Na
3. La
4. Re


generation – Us

avigate to 

rectory on the

w_usb.inf”. Cl

he previous w

e installed: 

presenting th

fferent depen

OK” to start the

he “Opteo V2

pposite); click 

lick on “Contin

at appears. 
nally click on “

o V2 USB” is 

ck on the Wor

at appears sele


c installation


fer to the proc

elect the desir

the welcome 

elect the targe

avigating to th

ou installed Qu

lick on “Install”

fter the files ha

window will in

he last window

e window (top

lose the main 


: if y

P. tools: 

sert the O.S.P

avigate to the 

aunch “setup.e

efer to the aut

ser manual 

the “\driver

e O.S.P. CD-R

lick on “OK” to

window now d


he letter of y

ding on your 

e installation. 

2 USB” driver

on “Next”. 

nue” in the wa

“Exit” in the la

installed und

kstation icon w

ect “Device m

on of the O.S

: the installati

cedure below. 

red language i

screen click o

et directory (th

he desired dire

uickVision (pro

” to start the c

ave been copi

nform you of th

w displays the

p right). 

O.S.P. installa

you have follow

P. CD-ROM in


tomatic installa


ROM; this direc

o select this di

isplays the lo

your CD-ROM

computer con

rs are display

arning window

ast window of t

der “Universal 

with the right m



on of the O.S

in the window 

on “Next”. 

he directory wh

ectory. If you 
oposed by def

copying the file

ed, select “Op

he successful 

e location of th

ation window 

wed the manu

 the CD-ROM


ation of the O.


ctory contains


ocation of the 

OWandy US

M drive, this 

nfiguration).  C

yed in the li

w “Device insta

the wizard. 

 Serial Bus c

mouse button

S.P. tools is 

that appears 

here the softw

use the Quic

fault). After ha


pteo V2 USB” 

installation, c

he O.S.P. too

if it is still disp

ual installation 

M drive. 


.S.P. mentione



s the file 

files to 

B” (E 

can be 

Click on 

st (see 


controllers” in 

 and select “M


and click on “

ware will be in

kVision imagi

aving selected

in the list that

lose it by click

ls; close this w

played on-scre

of the drivers

_WXP” director

ed above. 

pteo V2 USB 

the “Device m

Manage” in the

proposed aft


stalled) by clic
ng software s

the target dire

t appears and 

king on “Exit”. 

window by cli


s, you must sta

ry on the O.S.

manager”.  To
e drop-down m

ter the install

cking on “Brow

select the dire

ectory click on

 click on “OK”

cking on the 

art the manua

.P. CD-ROM. 


Page 10/32 

o reach this 

menu. In the 

ation of the 

wse” and by 

ectory where 

n “Next”. 

red cross of 

al installation 

Summary of Contents for Opteo

Page 1: ...EN INSTALLATION AND USER MANUAL 7758013900 Version 08 05 June 2014 ...

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Page 4: ...in a conventiona sposable shea ube which is is detected b o ement vice to sale by ces to use or o dards nt within the h the EN IEC6 1 3 Installatio computer an mplies with th hin a hermetic kit and the teo ed directly by t on digital intra pe that this pro hly before inst ent and the ca tector the flat ogical intra ora quired image hese digital im thus complete emical produc n the kit you h he maj...

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Page 6: ...that this European r ss standard EN e sensor putte h this standard ative humidity on in accordanc e 20 th July 2005 pment g elements il or size 2 t s default c protective slee 2 sensors ging checklist inform you ab N CEI ed in d ce with Directiv 5 regarding the lustrations ma eves A bout the comp ve 2002 96 EC e composition o ay vary from it 1 self adh An introducto available f An O S driv A CD RO...

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Page 10: ...lla rs WIN_2000_ ROM this direc o select this di isplays the lo N_2000_XP O your CD ROM computer con rs are display arning window ast window of t der Universal with the right m anager S P on of the O S in the window on Next he directory wh ectory If you oposed by def copying the file ed select Op he successful e location of th ation window wed the manu the CD ROM OS_XRAYS_B ation of the O _XP OWan...

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Page 12: ...ast is co elps to find the sed from certa ach acquired i uickVision 3 o ndy XIO Stand tween diff more sensors n a network t tion to allow onnected and i orkstations it ools and sens In the C Se Se defa Se time acqu Se C s on the expos nstant Expos correct expos ain Owandy so image or on the Valid dAlone softwar ferent wor s in turn in o allow for th for an easy it will be availa is necessary sor i...

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Page 29: ...0380 Mounting a 545800000 on packs of po 00 00 ks of 10 positio 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 tioner kit 00 single use disp ensors 00 accessories 00 sitioners Size 1 Size 2 oners Size 1 bitew Size 1 endo Size 1 poste Size 1 peri Size 2 bitew Size 2 endo Size 2 poste Size 2 peri Size 1 only posable protec Bag of 500 pi Self adhesi wing o terior apical wing o terior apical ction sleeves ieces ive wall sup...

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