An IR-cut filter is built in this IP camera to reduce the effect of IR
lights (which will change the color of image and makes it looks
different than what you see through your eye), and most of IR lights
are coming from sunlight.
You can select the behavior or IR-cut filter:
Auto: IR filter will act automatically. If you don’t know if you
should use IR filter, select this option.
Night mode(B/W): IR filter is always on.
Day mode(Color): IR filter is always off.
IR-cut filter will only be switched on when there’s sunlight. You can
define the starting and ending time when IR-cut filter should be
switched on by select ‘Schedule’ and define starting and ending
time by dropdown menu.
Digital WDR Enable Digital WDR function can improve image quality under the
condition when there are very bright and very dark areas
simultaneously in the camera's field's angle.
When you finish with above settings, click ‘Apply’ button to save changes.