IPU 40285 Version E Jan 2013
7. Advanced settings
Selecting the advanced tab gives the screenshot as shown in Figure 22.
Figure 22 Advanced tab Screenshot.
Display Mode Settings.
7.1. Linear(Median)
The user can define a smaller region of the scene over which the auto gain settings are
used. The two choices are a Rectangle region and triangle region. The user can also define
the size of both shapes using the parameter boxes. In addition the user can also limit the
gain used in this mode and the limit the offset. (i.e. the maximum and minimum values of
the temperatures.).
Auto region set-up – The auto region is set up so that the user can exclude specific parts
of the scene from being included in the gain and offset calculations. For e.g. by reducing
the auto region from the top part of the scene, the sky can be excluded. Equally parts of
the scene with high contrast can be excluded from the auto region.
Note: This setting dialogue box is only available when the median mode is selected.
However the region selected will apply when switching to the mean mode.
Minimum value is 0.
Maximum value is 2047. This is equivalent to 2 times.