Height adjustment
The eyelet of the support must be placed transversely to
the swinging direction. This prevents excess wear when
Please observe that the material can heat up when exposed to intense sunlight, the orienta-
tion should therefore preferably be towards north.
The suspension points must be spaced at least a
swing seat width (+10 cm) apart from each other.
The distance between the swing seat and the floor
must be at least 35 cm; the maximum height of fall
may not exceed 46 cm. Adjust the swing in such a
way that the swinging person or persons cannot
touch the ground with the tips of their toes. In case
of doubt, carry out some light test swings.
The lateral distance must be 60 cm.
The height of the nest swing can be adjusted through the
openings in the adjustment element. This allows the length
of the ropes to be changed accordingly. When adjusting the
rope length, nobody should be sitting on the swing. Make
sure that the ropes are always the same length.
It is imperative that you inspect the ropes regularly for
damage or signs of age-related wear and tear, as only an
intact rope can guarantee full safety. Be sure to replace
damaged ropes.
60 cm
60 cm
35 cm
118.8 cm