The Outlaws’ Guide to the Marantz AV7005
Audyssey MultEQ XT Calculating
Audyssey MultEQ XT Results
After the AV7005 completes its calculations, you will have a chance to verify the results
for speaker configuration, speaker distances, channel levels, and crossover settings.
Note that subwoofer distances may not match exactly with what you measure. This is
because many subwoofers have some built-in delay caused by internal equalization or
other processing functions. By using a greater distance setting, Audyssey is able to
compensate for these delays.
Audyssey MultEQ XT – Store Results
Audyssey MultEQ XT – Finish and
Dynamic Volume
If the results look correct, select “Next” and then “Store” to save the calculated values.
After the settings are saved, you can unplug the microphone. Before you are finished,
you will have the opportunity to turn on Dynamic Volume. See page 38 for a description
of Dynamic Volume.
At this point, the Audyssey setup process is complete. Some users may want to make
adjustments to settings such as the crossover frequency, speaker size, or even channel
levels. For example, Audyssey will have set the speaker channel trim levels to achieve
equal output levels for all of the connected speakers, but users who prefer to use
elevated channel trim settings for certain speakers (such as the center channel or the
subwoofer) may “tweak” these settings to suit personal tastes. We will discuss these
adjustments in the Roadmap to the Setup Menus, starting on page 49.
Quick Setup Guide
Marantz AV7005