SMS control
You can control the outdoor router remotely by sending SMS messages to the phone number of inserted micro SIM/USIM card.
Reset factory settings
When the router is turned on, click and hold “Reset” button for 5 seconds until the router reboot. Or use the above SMS code *#06#.
SMS message Function
Turn on 3G/4G connection
Turn off 3G/4G connection
Turn on Wi-Fi hotspot
Turn off Wi-Fi hotspot
Reboot outdoor router
Reset outdoor router to factory settings
3G/4G connection at the first priority
Wi-Fi replay at the first priority
Connect to another Wi-Fi hotspot SSID “WRT4E” with password of “outdoorrouter”
Disconnect to Wi-Fi hotspot SSID “WRT4E” with password of “outdoorrouter”
Network settings
Wi-Fi settings
Click “Wi-Fi settings” to access the Wi-Fi configuration page.
Wi-Fi network name (SSID)
Setup SSID, hide SSID, wireless encryption type, Wi-Fi password, and max connection number.
Wi-Fi protected setup (WPS)
Enhance your Wi-Fi security with WPS by adding a PIN or push button configuration (PBC).
Advanced settings
Setup network standard, bandwidth, reign code, and frequency. The default is locked.
Filter the MAC address by whitelist and blacklist to control the connected devices.
Internet Wi-Fi
Connect the outdoor router to Wi-Fi network.
The 3G/4G connection will turn off after connected.
Default setting is connected to Wi-Fi if added a Wi-Fi
Hotspot. You can change preferred network to “WWAN”
if want to connect to 3G/4G at the priority.
Add Wi-Fi Hotspot
Click “Add” below “Wi-Fi Hotspot” will start to search
available Wi-Fi networks.
Select from available Wi-Fi network list, input Wi-Fi
password, click “Apply”.
You can disconnect it from the “Wi-Fi hotspot” list.