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Product Recycling and Disposal

This appliance has been identified in accordance with 

the European directive 2002/96/EG on Waste Electrical 

and Electronic Equipment – WEEE.

After the expiration of the lifetime, the product cannot 

be disposed with another household waste. Instead, it 
shall be deposited in the appropriate recycling collection 
point for electrical and electronic equipment for proper 
treatment and disposal in accordance with federal or 
local law. By disposing correctly this product, you will 
help to conserve natural resources and preventing the 
product from damaging the environment and 
human health. For more information on the 
collection point and recycling of this product, 
please contact your local municipal authorities 
or the enterprise for household waste disposal.

Date of manufacture

Each product has a unique serial number in the form 
of alphanumeric row and is duplicated with a barcode 
that contains the following information: name of the 
product group, date of manufacture, serial number of 
the product.

Serial number is located on the rear of the product, 
on the package and the warranty card. 

 The first two letters-correspondence to the 

product group (microwaves – MM/MD).

 The first two digits – year of manufacture.
 The second two digits – month of manufacture.
 The last two digits – serial number of product.

To avoid misunderstandings, we highly 
recommend you to read carefully the in-
struction manual and the warranty obliga-
tions. Check the correctness of the war-
ranty card. Warranty card is valid only if the 
following are correctly and clearly stated: 
model, serial number, date of purchase, 
clear stamps, buyer’s signature. The se-
rial number and the model of the device 
must be the same as in the warranty card. 

If  these  conditions  are  not  fulfilled  or  the 

data  specified  in  the  warranty  card  was 

changed, the warranty card is invalid.


and documents that confirm the fact and date of 

the contract of retail purchase. In the absence of 
such documents, warranty period is calculated 
from the date of manufacture of goods. It should 
be taken into account:


Setup and Installation (assembly, the connection, 
etc.) of the product described in the documenta-
tion attached to it, does not enter the scope of 
warranty and can be performed by the user as 
well as the specialists of most authorized service 
centers on a paid basis.


Work upon maintenance of products (cleaning 
and lubricating the moving parts, replacement of 
consumables and supplies, etc.) are made on a 
paid basis.

7. The manufacturer is not responsible for any dam-

age directly or indirectlycaused by their products 
to people, pets, property, if it occurred as a result 
ofnon-observance of the rules and conditions of 
use, storage, transportation or installation of the 
product, intentional or negligent actions of con-
sumer or third parties.

8. Under no circumstances, the manufacturer is not 

responsible for any special, incidental, indirect or 
consequential loss or damage, including but not 

limited  to:  lost  profits,  damages  caused  by  inter


ruptions in the commercial, industrial or other 
activities, arising from the use of or inability to use 
the product.

9. Due to continuous product improvement, design 

elements  and  some  technical  specifications  are 

subject to change without prior notice from the 

Using the product when after the terms of use 

1. Lifetime set by manufacturer for this product ap-

plies only when the product is used exclusively for 

personal, family or household needs, as well as the 
consumer observes the correct operation, storage 
and transportation of products. Under thecondition 
of careful handling of the product and compliance 

with the rules of operation the actual life may ex


ceed the lifetime set by manufacturer. 

2. At the end of the product lifetime, you should 

contact an authorized service center for to con-
duct a preventive maintenance of the product and 
determine the suitabilityfor further use. Work on 
conducting a preventive maintenance of the prod-
ucts is also made in service centers on paid basis.

3. The manufacturer does not recommend the use 

of this product after the end of its lifetime with-
out its preventive maintenance by the authorized 
service center, since inthis case, the product can 
be dangerous to the life, health or property of the 

Summary of Contents for MM1703

Page 1: ...DE EN ES FR IT Bedienungsanleitung Instruction manual Manual de instrucciones Manuel d instructions Manuale di istruzioni KZ PL RO RU Instrukcja manua Instruc iuni de utilizare MM1703 DE Bedienungsanl...

Page 2: ...2...

Page 3: ...3 A B C 1 2 3 8 2 1 4 5 6 7 N L 5 10cm 15cm 10cm 1 2 220 240 V 9...

Page 4: ...auf Benutzen Sie ausschlie lich die im Lieferumfang enthal tenen Werkzeuge und Zubeh rteile Damit es nicht zu Stromschl gen kommt hal ten Sie das Netzkabel von Wasser und anderen Fl ssigkeitenfern Fa...

Page 5: ...dung B INSTALLATION Abbildung A 1 Stellen Sie die Mikrowelle so auf einer flachen Unterla ge auf dass gen gend Platz zum Bel ften des Ger tes und zum ffnen der Ger tet r verbleibt Zwischen den Seiten...

Page 6: ...ndigem Glas bestehen Achten Sie darauf dass sich keinerlei Metall daran befin det Nicht verwenden wenn Besch digungen wie Spr nge oder Risse zu sehen sind Bratschl uche Bratfolie Halten Sie sich an d...

Page 7: ...Der Netzstecker wurde nicht richtig eingesteckt Die Steckdose liefert keinen Strom Funktionen nicht richtig eingestellt Feuchtigkeitsniederschlag im Inneren der Mikrowelle Beim Erhitzen von Lebensmit...

Page 8: ...ttel z B Schaber verwenden Vertiefungen im Boden des Innenraums Feuchtes Tuch Achten Sie darauf dass keinesfalls Wasser ber den Mitnehmer in das Ger t eindringt Glasdrehteller und Rollring Warmes Seif...

Page 9: ...m en Transport falsche Installation beil ufige falsche oder fahrl ssige Handlungen von Verbrauchern oder Dritten entstehen 8 Unter keinen Umst nden haftet den Hersteller f r jegliche speziellen beil u...

Page 10: ...dem Hersteller f r dieses Produkt festgelegte Einsatzzeitgiltnurdann wenndasProduktausschlie lich f r den pers nlichen famili ren sowie Haushaltsbedarf eingesetzt wird und sich der Anwender an die Vor...

Page 11: ...If for some reason the water got into the unit contact an au thorized service center ASC For power supply use a power grid with proper char acteristics Do not use the device in areas where the air ca...

Page 12: ...rowave Minimal space between side and rear panels of the microwave and walls must be at least 10 cm Distance above the upper panel of the microwave must be at least 15 20 cm Do not remove legs from th...

Page 13: ...s jars Always remove the lid Use only for heating food Many glass jars are not made of heat resisting glass and may burst Glassware Ware made of a heat resistant glass Make sure there are no metal tri...

Page 14: ...e problems Solutions Microwave isn t working The door isn t well closed The power cord ill plugged No voltage in the socket Mode is improperly set Condensation on the grill grate and walls of the micr...

Page 15: ...17 min 90 W 20 25 min Place the Pyrex mold 20x25 cm on a rotating stand Bisquit 600 W 8 10 min Place the Pyrex mold 22 cm on a rotating stand Meatloaf 600 W 20 25 min Place the Pyrex mold on a rotati...

Page 16: ...of its products together with such equipment as well as the quality of the work of the additional equipment together with the products of other manufacturers 6 Product defects detected during the lif...

Page 17: ...ds It should be taken into account Setup and Installation assembly the connection etc of the product described in the documenta tion attached to it does not enter the scope of warranty and can be perf...

Page 18: ...ructions including copying printing and distribution but not limited to involves the application of the guilty person to civil liability and criminal liability Contact information 1 Manufacturer of go...

Page 19: ...cable el ctrico entre en con tacto con agua u otros l quidos para protegerse del riesgo de descarga el ctrica Si por cualquier raz n penetrara agua en el aparato p ngase en contacto con un centro t cn...

Page 20: ...terales y pos terior del microondas y las paredes debe ser de al menos 10 cm La distancia encima del panel superior del microondas debe ser de 15 20 cm como m nimo No retire las patas del panel inferi...

Page 21: ...ara calentar alimentos Muchos tarros no est n hechos para resistir al calor y pueden explotar Cristaler a S lo utensilios de cristal resistente al calor Aseg rese de que no presenten adornos de metal...

Page 22: ...ondas no funciona La puerta no est bien cerrada El cable de alimentaci n no est bien conectado La toma no recibe corriente El modo seleccionado no est configurado correctamente Presencia de condensaci...

Page 23: ...Pyrex de 20 25 cm en una peana giratoria Galletas 600 W 8 10 min Coloque el molde de Pyrex de 22 cm en una peana giratoria Rollo de carne 600 W 20 25 min Coloque el molde de Pyrex en una peana girato...

Page 24: ...n del producto as como de acciones intencionales o negligentes del usuario o de terceros 8 Fabricante no se hace responsable bajo ninguna cir cunstancia de ninguna p rdida o da o indirecto o consecue...

Page 25: del manual es posible que su vida til se prolongue m s all del plazo especificado 2 Al final de la vida til del producto deber ponerse en con tacto con un centro t cnico autorizado para llevar a ca...

Page 26: ...te Pour vous prot ger des risques d lectrocution ne plongez pas le cordon dans de l eau ou tout autre liquide Si l eau entre dans l appareil pour une raison quelconque veuillez contacter un centre de...

Page 27: ...eil Support Le m canisme d entra nement Panneau de commande Loquet m canisme de verrouillage de la porte porte avec une fen tre de visualisation Source de rayonnement Bouton porte ouverte INSTALLATION...

Page 28: ...clater Verrerie Mat riel fait de verre thermor sistant Assurez vous qu il n y a pas de garnitures m talliques N uti lisez pas un mat riel avec des fentes et des fissures Sachets de cuisson Veuillez s...

Page 29: fonctionne pas La porte n est pas correctement ferm e Le cordon d alimentation n est pas correctement branch Il n y a pas de tension dans la prise Le mode n est pas r gl de mani re appropri e Cond...

Page 30: Placez le moule en pyrex de 20x25 cm sur un support tournant Bisquit 600 W 8 10 min Placez le moule en pyrex de 22 cm sur un support tournant Pain de viande 600 W 20 25 min Placez le moule en pyrex...

Page 31: pi ces amovibles remplacement des pi ces consommables et d ali mentation etc sont r mun r s 7 Le fabricant n est pas responsable de tout dommage caus directement ou indirectement par ses appareils...

Page 32: ...r respecte les consignes d utilisation de stockage et de transport des produits Lorsque l appareil est utilis avec soin et conform ment aux normes d utilisation la dur e de vie r elle pourrait exc der...

Page 33: ...quidi per evitare il rischio di scossa elettrica Se per qualsiasi ragione dovesse entrare dell acqua all interno dell unit contattare un centro di assi stenza autorizzato ASC Per l alimentazione utili...

Page 34: ...che fornisca spazio sufficiente per la ventilazione del microonde e l apertura dello sportello del microonde Lo spazio minimo tra i pannelli laterali e quello posteriore del microonde e le pareti dev...

Page 35: ...lore e possono scoppiare Materiali in vetro Oggetti realizzati con un vetro resistente al calore Accertarsi che non ci siano finiture in metallo Non utilizzare materiale con fessure e crepe Sacchetti...

Page 36: ...Soluzioni Il microonde non funziona Lo sportello non ben chiuso Il cavo di alimentazione non inserito Nessuna tensione nella presa La modalit impostata errata Condensa sulla grata della griglia e sul...

Page 37: ...12 17 min 90 W 20 25 min Posizionare lo stampo in pyrex 20x25 cm sul supporto rotante Biscotti 600 W 8 10 min Posizionare lo stampo in pyrex 22 cm sul supporto rotante Polpette 600 W 20 25 min Posizio...

Page 38: ...ei danni cau sati direttamente o indirettamente dai prodotti a persone animali propriet se essi si sono verificati in conseguenza dell inosservanza delle norme e delle condizioni d uso conservazione t...

Page 39: ...di funzionamento la durata di vita utile effettiva pu superare quella stabilita 2 Al termine della durata di vita utile del prodotto neces sario contattare un centro di assistenza autorizzato per eseg...

Page 40: ...40 KZ USC OURSSON 1 2...

Page 41: ...41 1 2 3 C A 1 85 10 15 20 1 245 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 6 7 8 9...

Page 42: ...42 2 5 5 1 2 1 3 1 250 2 1 3...

Page 43: ...43 600 A 2 MAX 100 3 88 2 73 1 52 42 Minim ls MIN 20 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 2 3 42...

Page 44: ...44 N 60705 EN 60705 IEC 60705 DIN 44547 EN 60350 2009...

Page 45: ...C 35 C 5 C 35 C 15 75 LxWxH 446 336 243 10 25 750 360 12 17 90 20 25 Pyrex 20 25 600 8 10 Pyrex 22 600 20 25 Pyrex 180 807 90 10 15 Pyrex 22 360 35 40 Pyrex 22 OURSSON OURSSON www oursson ru OURSSON...


Page 47: ...47 OURSSON 2 3 OURSSON 2002 96 EG waste electrical and electronic equipment WEEE MM MD OURSSON support oursson com 1 Ltd 3 XINGPU AVENUE HUANGPU TOWN 2 www oursson com OURSSON AG...

Page 48: ...pora enia pr dem elektrycz nym nie nale y wk ada przewodu zasilaj cego do wody ani innych p yn w Je li z jakiego po wodu woda dostanie si do urz dzenia nale y skontaktowa si z autoryzowanym punktem s...

Page 49: ...bierz p ask po wierzchni kt ra zapewni mo liwo wentylacji kuchen ki mikrofalowej i otwierania drzwiczek Minimalna odleg o pomi dzy bocznymi panelami oraz tylnym panelem a cian musi wynosi co najmniej...

Page 50: ...kuje si ze szk a aroodpornego i mog one p ka Naczynia szklane Naczynia produkowane ze szk a aroodpornego Upewnij si e nie ma adnych metalowych dekora cji Nie u ywaj naczy z rysami lub p kni ciami Tore...

Page 51: ...dzia a Drzwiczki nie s nale ycie zamkni te Kabel zasilaj cy jest nieprawid owo pod czony do gniazdka Brak napi cia w gniazdku Tryb jest ustawiony nieprawid owo Skraplanie na kratce do grillowania i n...

Page 52: ...2 17 min 90 W 20 25 min Umie form Pyrex 20x25 cm na obrotowej podstawce Biszkopt 600 W 8 10 min Umie form Pyrex 22 cm na obrotowej podstawce Klops 600 W 20 25 min Umie form Pyrex na obrotowej podstawc...

Page 53: ...monta u produktu celowych lub niezamierzonych dzia a konsumenta lub os b trzecich 8 W adnym przypadku producent nie ponosi odpowie dzialno ci za szczeg lne przypadkowe po rednie ani wt rne szkody w ty...

Page 54: ...cji produktu nale y skontak towa si z autoryzowanym centrum serwisowym aby przeprowadzi konserwacj zapobiegawcz produktu i okre li przydatno do dalszego u ycia Konserwacja zapobiegawcza produkt w jest...

Page 55: ...e o suprafa stabil Folosi i doar piesele incluse cu unitatea Pentru a diminua riscul de incendiu sau elec trocutare nu introduce i multicookerul n ap i nu utiliza i aparatul n condi ii de umidita te r...

Page 56: ...Pentru a instala cuptorul cu microunde selecta i o suprafa plan care ofer spa iu suficient pentru ventila ie i deschiderea liber a u ii cuptorului cu microunde Distan a minim ntre partea din spate a...

Page 57: ...stente la c ldur i se pot sparge Vase din sticl Vase din sticl rezistente la c ldur Asigura i v c nu exist ornamente metalice nu utiliza i farfurii cr pate sau ciobite Pungi de g tit Urma i instruc iu...

Page 58: circuitul electric Nu este instalat corect Abur acumulat la u a cuptorului aer cald eliminat prin spa iile de ventila ie n timpul g tirii este posibil s se produc emisii de abur din alimente Cea ma...

Page 59: g tit min Observa ii Omlet 750g 360 W 12 17 min 90 W 20 25 min Vas termorezistent Pandi pan 600 W 8 10 min Vas termorezistent C rna i 600 W 20 25 min Vas termorezistent Cartofi 250g 600 W 8 10 min...

Page 60: ...sau daune speciale accidentale indirecte sau de consecin inclusiv dar f r a se limita la pierderi de profit pierderi cauzate de n treruperea activit ilor comerciale industriale sau de alt natur care a...

Page 61: ...ectivei CE 2002 96 EG privind aparate le electrice i electronice vechi waste electrical and electronic equipment WEEE Produsele nu pot fi aruncate mpreun cu resturile menajere Trebuie depuse la centre...

Page 62: ...62 OURSSON 1 2 RU...

Page 63: ...63 1 245 1 1 1 1 C 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 85 10 15 20 5 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 3...

Page 64: ...64 1 250 2 1 3 2 5...

Page 65: ...65 MAX 100 3 88 2 73 1 52 P 42 MIN 20 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 42 0 600 A 2...

Page 66: ...66 750 360 12 17 90 20 25 Pyrex 20 25 600 8 10 Pyrex 22 600 20 25 Pyrex 180 807 90 10 15 Pyrex 22 360 35 40 Pyrex 22 EN 60705 EN 60705 IEC 60705 DIN 44547 EN 60350 2009 25...

Page 67: ...20 240 50 2450 700 17 245 I 25 C 35 C 5 C 35 C 15 75 446x336x243 10 http www oursson com rus ru about partners certificates tab0 3 4 5 OURSSON OURSSON www oursson ru OURSSON OURSSON info oursson ru 1...

Page 68: ...68 3 2002 96 EG waste electrical and electronic equipment WEEE M MD OURSSON 6 7 8 9 1 2...

Page 69: ...son ru 8 800 100 8 708 10 00 20 00 7 146 7 12 150 4 1 Guangdong Galanz Microwave Electrical Appliances Manufacturing Co Ltd NO 3 XINGPU AVENUE HUANGPU TOWN ZHONGSHAN CITY GUANGDONG PROVINCE CHINA 2 12...

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