Using the product when after the terms
of use (lifetime):
Lifetime set by OURSSON AG for this
product applies only when the product is
used exclusively for personal, family or
household needs, as well as the consumer
observes the correct operation, storage
and transportation of products. Under the
condition of careful handling of the product
and compliance with the rules of operation
the actual life may exceed the lifetime set
At the end of the product lifetime, you
should contact an authorized service center
for to conduct a preventive maintenance of
the product and determine the suitability
for further use. Work on conducting a
preventive maintenance of the products is
also made in service centers on paid basis.
OURSSON AG does not recommend the
use of this product after the end of its
lifetime without its preventive maintenance
by the authorized service center, since in
this case, the product can be dangerous to
the life, health or property of the consumer.
Product Recycling and Disposal
After the expiration of the lifetime,
the product cannot be disposed with
another household waste. Instead, it
shall be deposited in the appropriate
recycling collection point for electrical and
electronic equipment for proper treatment
and disposal in accordance with federal or
local law. By disposing correctly this product,
you will help to conserve natural resources
and preventing the product from damaging
the environment and human health. For
more information on the collection point and
recycling of this product, please contact your
local municipal authorities or the enterprise for
household waste disposal.