Otium CVAAK-M756 User Instructions Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for CVAAK-M756

Page 1: ...sMART WATCHEs MA VAL...


Page 3: ...I4 TV sv t ID I 1 18 I I I IIIIIIIII r Instruoti n c m nic lom 21 J 24 Let 2s 6 1TE EP oNE D RECTORY 2 Tgi u r Im t 4PEDo TER sB 6 5CPs s0 6 6MULTmIEDIA as 7TC C LBOX 41 68BLUETooTH 3...

Page 4: ...llllable sourccs slICh as ChcIllloaI pIatlt gas statlon fucl dcpot and e kc H 1 ng sMARTllATCH i hauds du ng dnv0is prohIb tod Do n t pllt sMARTWATCH dlrcctly abo1 c tlle alrbag or y arca w lth thc rc...

Page 5: ...TWATCH hold and intcrfacc ghtly nnd puII o Pul out oF powcr oablo is prohibitod Do not roly on sMARTWATCH as tho only commun1c ti0 tool in smnRmATcH u Or ln truotio emorgcnc for example medloal ald Pu...

Page 6: ...tI s inCl dlIlg MP3 Mp4 reoording and cto Tho uscr shouId obsc c appli able1ows whcn us g thcsc fuIlou ns Accordi g to applioable hws unapprovcd FocoFding and rcproduotion and dlstr1bu on of othcr s v...

Page 7: ...ly shoncncd profes on l should bc called in to chango bulIt cc sHARmATOH u er Instruotions Dunng chaFgIng the cell sIight heatlng of the oe11Is cxpeotcd your sMARTn ATCH wm bc aut matlcally protcctcd...

Page 8: ...on you oonenct sMARTWATCH wi PC wIth UsB oouplcr yo r sMARTWATCH wm Icm nd homory a nemOIk ainom aod soquonce erFacc in power oiFshtc mTol 2 s sECUR TY P ssWORD 2 s 1PIN CodQ 0 B Digl Th s is pors al...

Page 9: ...ads to REsEt func ii n 33IC Ns Corcp ng ils wm bC l yCd c sg n fFcmt iilIl ns app cd and dl bmt optlons scl ted by y u Powcr oWoIF nd hatg on functlo s Re m and hailg0n n tIOns us r Ingtruoti n Ring i...

Page 10: ...ooll phonc Is avaJnbIc p oN mIBl gh id Wcar m sMARTWATCH propeIly aod your band45 thc sorem w111bc automaoo oN rldeo PI yor You mIly browse or proCoss udco n saved ln tbc playcr play c lccorded fllm...

Page 11: ...may oause dIlmag to your OIIr rn all cstablIshod potc tial oBuses arc BUsY L E indIcatcs busy line by oaII or o ldIc nc ork if automatlc rcdlal iunc n is set sMARTWATCH ll18utomatloally rediB1 CALL R...

Page 12: ...IcOt tho um1or to be dIalcd boForo dlal g suoh numbci 5J s 0W0r Co Whon n1oco hg u ber Is call d e incomlng onll JemInded ln RI C VIBRAT10W V BRAT10N RINC or R NC FTER VIBR T oN olodo Wi Fuoctlon depd...

Page 13: ...eo r f0oo mI of folephonc d atd ulnr ftmcItonB aro dc 1ed in tbc goction ofFUNCTIoN OF sT OFFVNCTIoNs An rs le ontor m d am mo h0o Boo ofFImcmON OFL sT OF mNCnoWs m Pooiom fun ti nB8 doBod d tho BoOti...

Page 14: ...ac rs sImply by cn ing corcspondltlg stokcs of Chmcsc chamters to your andw g h along with input of o kCys espond gto mmbeF kcys h ordc In thc proccss F lnput t o bo 0il1 e on e sc 0 Wi always dlsplay...

Page 15: ...lth tbo funotioils oF tc1cphono d The rd of toIeph ne d ctory In sIM oBtd o Iy suppo s lnp oF F 1LL WAn E and TELEP C WEN1JI Ir 1 IR1 h the mote of stnndby mode you moy brOwsc tClephono drcctory1ntcrf...

Page 16: ...odcs namc standatd koyboa 1Ictter nm ber kcyboaId aIld handwnt1og kcyboard on cdltlon htWace thc us may swltoh any method by baod user may swltch mCthod by sdecong conospondItg boto sO l vlsual kcybom...

Page 17: ...messoge ls Icooi cd by c reclpient ctwork support is ncccssnry If rcply p Is set to open tho IllCsBagc smt by the piomt w automaucally soI t tbG ssage ceatcr seIoctod by you fmm whioh you sont o mogs...

Page 18: ...oo 0sp ndlnB rcolplOot CBrd s voCo d 8ovo MMs ag on u0or l 0truotiono i WRmATgi u ld 9 s a op o Ing oF q ons roIat1oB to MMs scnding x cx1t cd tio interfaoc d re m g of MMsto draa or nd I bor BFOWBo...

Page 19: ...ny bc msct 6 4pEDoMETER Thc pcdomctcr applics ll stcp a i shake fu oti n mnmoly tho numbcr of stops is countcd un IO ste9sare gone o the podomotcr into oo cIlok sTART Ilnd the pedomoter m gtnd to oun...

Page 20: ...ovemg obgtucton 6 sJ Coououo g PoB oohg oncc sMARTWATCH is nstallod T ooFd md eonb ed th s fuoctI Il posit1oning fI1ow o omat c ly bc g rated1o the bac1ground and saved o T card pos o ing rccord catl...

Page 21: ...cr kcys functlOIls for fast s itchi g bc ee 1l screen Ilnd IlO l full s rcen 6 6 3Mu c Hav r sbIARTWATCH has bmlt in liluslc playcr For pIaylng the nluslc aIld thc musIc cIln bc sct as ong Attcntlon o...

Page 22: ...n rnndom sequenco BocLgromd pI y f startup c otod us oan bc ployOd through othcr opcntlon lntorFaocg oF sMARTWATCHlExocpt tcrfaco tho somd reIatcd opcration or camcra rcIatcd operntion smR1 Tol u rI 6...

Page 23: ...lay inte c thc usor may scIcct1Ro ALL ADD EVFNT DELETE EVENT JUMPTo PPOm mL sWITCH To TODAY WEEKLY BROWsE and F RsT Ddf oF I WEEK options by kcys 0kcs on cBlendar dI play tcrfa c rst unc JI 0 and ctc...

Page 24: ...you of EnIsblng thcse schcduIcd mocrs JD e o t ve Jn is enp you y odd In cl t agenda cmp P Ien L a df uowing l1st oF fuucmm 0 mRIoRIol u or I oflB opt 1ls BROWsE ADD RECORD DELETE L aad TRANslvfIT ACE...

Page 25: ...ed 1 of opdoo F o tLe user mny conduot q suoh as add h oolv m0sh deleto reo d 1 to fomard moM aud ctc for p cula opmoonB the cnIcndar 7J Aho CloCk Flvo olgm olock0mcs cao bo sot wlth sMARWATCH foF co...

Page 26: ...h oqulpmcnt 4Unt ancr coNFIRM and Ts arc sclcctcd w1 abovc Bluct th er o enab d For synch onous tcI llus1c and reo i11cssagc APK sclcchon I1od 9 q lchrO ously rccclvlug1l essagc 6 82Remo eRem r Rcmote...

Page 27: ...h d Denne d Faul np tncthod D1splay sta dby t of f cuoio settln arc av labk for opto s mchdmg waIIpape gcreeo pro cto p wer o aas digpIny do e tme d s9Iay o droId n m o type of dock and gibJoct pr in...

Page 28: ...secun aid secreGy d smmRTgi uo rI secu ty sett og of s M rd E ab1c dlsablc sIM Card looL c sngc PIN cod d cha ge m2oodo whoo sIM card Iock b oB ts s t yo hovc to cntcr PIN oodO for cach pOwer oo so th...

Page 29: ...llus and tho neXt must ofsmaIt phone as wclI as mcmaso dmreaBo ound voIumc as hc l1 Mute MoJe Cllck sicon nod muio mode is enabled Cou ter For rIx Io6c lg on the method For p o 9oFor to Usor mc sc mom...

Page 30: ...pIac Inq your ch rk scrlIcc provld0r to co m nctwork covcragc Inllllirc your nctwork scrv c pro dcrto connm yollr sIM ard velid WJlI ATOI u r In truCt on Try to seIoct nc ork manual Ifthe c ork is bus...

Page 31: ...g intcmatl lIlal call Fn ure to crontF ew record i tdep o e mrectory Makc surc tcl h lIlo drcctory of your sIM card not ovcrloaded elsc dcar soille tdepho o numbcrs or orc cxcessl c tClCphonc numbcrs...

Page 32: ...Otium Gear Neo scam the QR Code to getthe pp or loit h p Ie oIlumobIIe com mpp 1tnotI cat1oLa106apk...
