About Start-up Handling Options Tinnitus
More info
If you have an active brain implant,
please contact the manufacturer of
your implantable device for information
about the risk of disturbance.
The Auto Phone magnet and MultiTool
(which has a built-in magnet) should be kept
at least 12 in. away from the implant, e.g. do
not carry it in a breast pocket.
X-ray, CT, MR, PET scanning, and
Remove your hearing aid before X-ray,
CT/MR/PET scanning, electrotherapy,
surgery, etc. as your hearing aid may
be damaged when exposed to strong
electromagnetic fields.
Heat and chemicals
The hearing aid must never be exposed
to extreme heat, e.g. left inside a parked
car in the sun.
The hearing aid must not be dried in
microwave ovens or other ovens.
The chemicals in cosmetics, hairspray,
perfume, aftershave lotion, sunscreen
lotion, and insect repellent can damage
the hearing aid. Always remove your
hearing aid before applying such prod-
ucts and allow time to dry before use.
Power instrument
Special care should be exercised when
selecting, fitting and using a hearing
aid when the maximum sound pressure
capability exceeds 132 dB SPL (IEC 711),
as there may be risk of impairing the re-
maining hearing of the hearing aid user.
For information of whether your
hearing aid is a power instrument, see
the model overview in the front of this
General warnings
Possible side effects
Hearing aids and earpieces may cause
an accelerated accumulation of earwax.
The otherwise non-allergenic mate-
rials used in hearing aids may in rare
cases cause skin irritation or other side
Please consult a physician if these
conditions occur.
The hearing aid has been thoroughly
tested for interference, in accordance
with the most stringent international
standards. However, interference be-
tween the hearing aid and other devices
(e.g. some mobile telephones, citizens
band systems, shop alarm systems and
other devices) may occur. If this occurs,
increase the distance between the
hearing aid and the interfering device.
Use on aircraft
Your hearing aid has Bluetooth. On
board an aircraft, flight mode must be
activated, unless Bluetooth is permitted
by the flight personnel.
Connection to external equipment
The safety of the hearing aid when con-
nected to external equipment with an
auxiliary input cable, is determined by
the external signal source. When con-
nected to external equipment plugged
into a wall outlet, this equipment must
comply with IEC-62368 (or IEC-60065,
IEC-60950 until June 20, 2019) or
equivalent safety standards.