• Most Oticon hearing instruments can be supplied
with a tamper-resistant battery compartment upon
request. This is strongly recommended for infants,
small children, and people with learning difficulties.
If a battery or hearing instrument is swallowed, see a
doctor immediately.
Misuse can result in sudden and permanent
hearing loss
• Hearing instruments should be used only as
directed and adjusted by your hearing care
professional. Misuse can result in sudden and
permanent hearing loss.
• Never allow others to wear your hearing
instruments as incorrect/wrongful usage could
cause permanent damage to their hearing.
Battery use
• Always use batteries recommended by your
hearing care professional. Batteries of low quality
may leak and cause bodily harm.
• Never attempt to recharge your batteries. They may
explode and cause serious injury.
• Never dispose of batteries by burning them. There is
a risk that they will explode and cause serious injury.
Dysfunction in hearing instruments
• Hearing instruments may stop functioning, for
instance if the batteries have expired or if the tubing
is blocked by moisture or earwax. You should be
aware of this possibility, in particular when you are
in traffic or otherwise dependent on warning
• Your hearing instrument has been thoroughly tested
for interference, according to the most stringent
international standards. But new technical
developments constantly bring new products into
society, and some may emit electromagnetic
radiation, leading to unforeseen interference in
hearing instruments. Examples include induction
cooking appliances, shop alarm systems, mobile
telephones, fax machines, personal computer
devices, X-rays, Computer tomography etc.
Possible side effects
• Hearing instruments may cause an accelerated
accumulation of cerumen (ear wax).
• The otherwise non-allergenic materials used in
hearing instruments may in rare cases cause a skin
Consult a doctor if you experience any of these side