Oticon Radio Model - Quick Installation Guide
Radio Model Name:
Aurora BTE power
Oticon A/S
Main +45 39 17 71 00
Kongebakken 9
Fax +45 39 27 79 00
DK-2765 Smørum
CVR-no. 42334219
The A u r o r a B T E p o w e r radio model requires only a single cell battery and an external speaker to be attached and plastic shells, defining the industrial
design of a hearing aid end product and holding everything together, in order to be fully operational.
On the bottom side of the main PCB of the radio model the Aurora Engine Module, the BLE antenna and the coil antenna for the 3.84 MHz radio can be seen:
The most important parts inside the Engine module are a Digital-Signal-Processor (DSP), a radio Front-End (FE) chip for the 3.84 MHz radio part and an RF chip
for the Bluetooth radio part – all mounted on a small rigid PCB again mounted on the main flex PCB. The Aurora BTE power radio model also includes all voltage
regulators and
buffered data programming inputs on board
. The DSP is the main processor controlling the functionality of both radios in the radio model.
The Aurora BTE power radio model is intended to be installed in Oticon, Bernafon, Sonic and affiliated wireless hearing aid devices of the BTE power (Behind-
The-Ear power and power plus) wearing style(s).
Aurora BTE power Radio Model – Main PCB – Bottom side