OtalgiaFX MOSFET BOOST Build Manual Download Page 3


In the parts list each component has a component number. This number corresponds to the placement number silk 
screen printed on the top of the PCB.  Components should be mounted on the printed side of the PCB and 
soldered into place on the underside of the board.   

To aid in construction and make soldering easier it is suggested that components are soldered to the board in 
order of their height profile from low to high, starting with resistors, diodes and then progressing on to larger items 
such as sockets and capacitors. The potentiometer should be soldered last. 

Some items may require correct orientation for the circuit to work correctly as documented below - 

Polarised Capacitors -  

The PCB will have a “+” mark printed. This mark indicates where the positive lead of the  capacitor should be 
soldered. In general the positive lead of a polarised capacitor is longer than the negative.  Also in many polarised 
capacitors the body of the component will be marked to indicate the polarity of each lead. 


The transistors will need to be orientated correct and match the placement image marked on the PCB. If you intend 
to use transistors that differ from the build list then please be aware than the Collector, Base and Emitter legs may 
be in a different order. The pinout legs of different transistors can be found by referring to their technical data 
sheets on the Web. 

It is also worth noting that transistors are susceptible to heat damage so take care when soldering. Alternatively use 
transistor sockets and insert the transistors after the sockets have been soldered into place. 
