One Stop Systems
OSS-KIT-EXP-6002| 9
4 Technical Information
The transmit and receive signals on the OSS-HIB-25x4 are driven and conditioned by Pericom redriver chips. Adjustments can be made to
equalization, de-emphasis and output swing. These controls are factory set by the use of zero Ohm resistors.
In the following tables, a 0 indicates that a zero Ohm resistor has been installed and a 1 indicates no resistor. In rare cases, mostly where non-
OSS equipment is used with the HIB-25x4, these adjustments may need to be changed. The following tables are made available for this
purpose. It is highly recommended to contact OSS customer support before making changes to these settings. Having the customer solder to
the board should void the warranty.
4.1 Signal Adjustment
4.2 Pin Assignments
Host and Target card connectors (x4 Card Edge Connector)
The pins are numbered as shown with side A on the top of the centerline on the solder side of the board and side B on the bottom of
the centerline on the component side of the board.
The PCIe interface pins PETpx, PETnx, PERpx, and PERnx are named with the following convention: “PE” stands for PCIe high speed,
“T” for Transmitter, “R” for Receiver, “p” for positive (+), and “n” for negative (-).
Note that adjacent differential pairs are separated by two ground pins to manage the connector crosstalk.