Step 1 -
Pour 2 litres of tap water in the machine
Step 2 -
Using the measuring spoon, add 30 grams of salt and use the stirring
spoon until the salt is fully dissolved.
Step 3 -
Connect the machine to the power supply and the machines power
indicator lights will flash on.
Step 4 -
Touch the desired concentration you want to make (low concentration of
200ppm takes 5 minutes, medium concentration of 600ppm takes 15 minutes and
the highest concentration of 1200ppm takes 30 minutes) and wait for the
completion of production. Once the machine has completed the cycle, the viewing
screen will revert to the flashing lines
Step 5 -
The prepared solution can now be used. For usage methods, please refer
to the methods listed on pages 5-8.
Step 6 -
After use, the excess solution can be stored in a storage bottle in a cool
dark place up to 30 days.
Make sure to stir the salt into the water so it is completely dissolved, in the
case of salt not being completely dissolved there will be a build up of salt crystals
inside the machine, these can easily be removed by twisting open the inner casing
open and removed gently if found.
1. After plugging machine into power supply, please do not touch the water in the
machine to prevent electric shock.
2. After the system is finished, the power plug should be removed, and the
disinfectant solution should be moved to a storage bottle if not used straight away
to prevent shortened service life.
3. Do not drink the disinfectant.
4. Keep away from children.
5. The disinfectant has an oxidation effect on metal/metal ware so metal storage
containers/ bottles should not be used to store the disinfectant. . If metal ware is
directly disinfected, it should be rinsed with tap water immediately after
disinfection and wiped clean.
6. The disinfectant solution has a bleaching effect on fabric, please be cautious in
colour or dark clothing and do not soak silk. If willing to clean fabric surfaces/
carpet - do a patch test.