1. Installation
Boilers should be installed according to binding rules and norms. The requirements of norm PN 87/B
02411 according building of solid fuel boiler room and the norm PN 91/B 02413 according open system
boilers’ production should be taken into account.
These norms and rules should be followed, however, caution is required as national rules in countries to
which the product is sold may replace above mentioned norms.
In case of boiler assembly outside Poland, rules and norms should be followed according to solid fuel
boiler assembly in countries in which the boiler is sold. Boiler ORLIGNO 500 is adjusted for installation
in pressurized systems.
Eko-Vimar Orlanski Ltd. recommends to use stainless steel flue liners that protect the chimney from
damaging effect of wood tar.
Company Eko-Vimar Orlanski does not take responsibility for not complying to above recommendation
and damage resulting from it.
During boiler transport, boiler flue may be disassembled by unscrewing nuts (8xM8) and detaching flue
from the flange.
At the bottom chamber wrapped in a foil are ceramic moulders which need to be placed on the burner
as shown on below picture.
Pic 2. Ceramics layout on the burner