• Press and hold the ESC key for more than 1 second to exit
PC Direct Mode.
• You can still use the direction keys to move the telescope
8. updating Firmware
8.1 Hardware requirements
• A SynScan hand controller with firmware version 3.0 or
• A computer running Windows (Win 95 or later).
• An RS-232C serial port on the computer, or a USB-to-
Serial adapter.
• The PC interface cable (DB-9 to RJ-12), which is usually
included with a GoTo telescope or mount.
• A 7.5V -12V DC power supply that can output at least
100mA current.
8.2 Preparation
1. Create a new folder in the computer (for example, C:\
SynScan) to save relevant files.
2. Download the “SynScan Firmware Loader” application
package from www.OrionTelescopes.com and extract
the file “SynScanFirmwareLoader.exe” to the above
3. Download the latest firmware package and extract the
“.SSF” file to the above folder.
8.3 updating Firmware
1. Connect the computer and the SynScan hand
controller with the PC interface cable.
2. Press and hold the “0” and “8” keys simultaneously,
and then power on the hand con troller. The hand
controller will beep and display “SynScan Update” on
the screen. Release the “0” and “8” keys.
3. On the computer, run the SynScanFirmwareLoader.
exe file. An application window is shown in
Figure 4.
• Use the “Browse” button to load the latest firmware
file (“.SSF” file).
• Check the “Enforce database update” to enforce
updating the hand controller’s data base. Or uncheck
it to let the application determine whether an update
is needed.
• Check the “Auto-detect COM port” to let the
application detect the proper serial port that will
connect to the SynScan hand controller. Or uncheck
it to manually choose the COM port. Select one
from the “COM port” drop-down list.
• Click the “HC Version” button to check the versions
of the hardware, firmware, and database.
• Click the “Update” button to start loading the
firmware to the SynScan hand controller.
4. After the loading starts, the application will display a
percentage number at the bottom of the window to
show the progress.
5. Once update is complete, the application will display
a green bar with “Update Complete” at the bottom of
the window.
8.4 Troubleshooting
1. If a window pops up and displays the message:
“Cannot connect to a SynScan hand control” after
clicking the “Update” button or the “H.C. Version”
button, close the message window and click the
“Update” button or the “H.C. Version” button to try
again. If the application dis plays the message again,
check the cable connections and ensure the USB-to-
Serial port adapter is working, and that you have the
proper drivers installed for it on your computer.
2. If the firmware update fails, the SynScan Firmware
Loader will pop up a window with mes sage “Firmware
update failed. Cycle power to SynScan and try again!”
Close the window and power off the hand controller.
Then repeat the firmware update process again.
3. If the update process failed in the middle of updating,
try to press the SETUP button on the SynScan hand
controller to use other communication speeds: “Mi”
(medium speed) or “Lo” (low speed).
9. using a SynScan
GPS Module
The optional SynScan GPS module automatically acquires
accurate local geographical coordi nates and local time, obvi-
ating the need for the user to input the data themselves. The
GPS data helps to improve the accuracy of the GoTo align-
ment and the polar alignment.
9.1 initialization of Hand Controller with SynScan
GPS Module
The initialization process of the SynScan hand controller with
a SynScan GPS adapter differs from the standard initialization
1. Plug the SynScan GPS module into the serial port
located at the bottom center of the SynScan hand
controller. Place the GPS module on a horizontal
surface and turn on the power of the mount.
2. If the SynScan hand controller detects the connection
of a GPS module, it will ask for the local time zone:
• Use the left and right direction keys to move the
cursor on the screen.
• Use the scroll keys to change the sign for the time
zone. Use “-” for the time zones in the Western
Hemi sphere and “+” for the time zones in the
Eastern Hemisphere.
• Use the numeric keys to fill the time zone value in
±hh:mm format.