Image Processing Software
Website links are provided in the launcher to download popular free image pro-
cessing software to be used with your AVI files to enhance your astro images.
Image Processing Software such as RegiStax or AviStack; can Align and
Stack(combine) hundreds of individual images into a single resultant image and
perform some additional image processing to bring out subtle details or to make
the image appear more pleasing overall (
Figure 11
Both software applications are a recommended addition to any astro-imagers
arsenal of image processing software.
Image Processing Software Installation
Return the launcher and select RegiStax or AviStack to be directed to a website to
download the latest software.
For detailed information on the image processing software consult the websites of
each software Provider. Tutorials and user groups can be found online also.
Getting Started During Daylight
We recommend using the SSUEII for the first time during the day. This way, you
can become familiar with the camera and its functions without having to stumble
around in the dark. Set up your telescope and mount so the optical tube is pointing
at an object at least a couple of hundred feet away. Insert an eyepiece and focus
as you normally would.
To obtain first images with the SSUEII, follow these step-by-step instructions:
1. Plug the camera into your computer’s USB port.
2. Double click the Orion AmCap icon now installed on your computer’s
3. Orion AmCap will automatically connect directly to your camera with a
Video Window
Live Video Window
will only show light and dark
before the camera is coupled to your telescope.
4. The native resolution of the camera sensor is 640x480 and can be set from the
options menu. To change to resolution select Video Capture Pin from Options
menu, select desired resolution (normally
under the
Output Size