Moon when it is well above the horizon to get the sharpest
Use an optional Moon filter to dim the Moon when it is very
bright. It simply threads onto the bottom of the eyepieces (you
must first remove the eyepiece from the focuser to attach a fil-
ter). You’ll find that the Moon filter improves viewing comfort,
and helps to bring out subtle features on the lunar surface.
B. The Planets
The planets don’t stay put like the stars, so to find them you
should refer to the monthly star charts at OrionTelescopes.
com, or to charts published monthly in Astronomy, Sky &
Telescope, or other astronomy magazines. Venus, Mars,
Jupiter, and Saturn are the brightest objects in the sky after
the Sun and the Moon. Other planets may be visible but will
likely appear star-like. Because planets are quite small in
apparent size, optional higher-power eyepieces or a Barlow
lens are recommended and often needed for detailed obser-
C. The Sun
You can change your nighttime telescope into a daytime Sun
viewer by installing an optional full-aperture solar filter over
the front opening of the telescope. The primary attraction is
sunspots, which change shape, appearance, and location
daily. Sunspots are directly related to magnetic activity in the
Sun. Many observers like to make drawings of sunspots to
monitor how the Sun is changing from day to day.
Note: Do not look at the Sun with any optical instrument
without a professionally made solar filter, or permanent
eye damage could result.
D. The Stars
Stars will appear like twinkling points of light. Even powerful
telescopes cannot magnify stars to appear as more than a
point of light. You can, however, enjoy the different colors of
the stars and locate many pretty double and multiple stars.
The famous “Double-Double” in the constellation Lyra and the
gorgeous two-color double star Albireo in Cygnus are favor-
ites. Defocusing a star slightly can help bring out its color.
E. Deep-Sky Objects
Under dark skies, you can observe a wealth of fascinating
deep-sky objects, including gaseous nebulas, open and
globular star clusters, and different types of galaxies. Most
deep-sky objects are very faint, so it is important you find an
observing site well away from light pollution.
To find deep-sky objects with your telescope, you first need
to become reasonably familiar with the night sky. Unless you
know how to recognize the constellation Orion, for instance,
you won’t have much luck locating the Orion Nebula. A simple
Figure 11.
Eyepiece is shown installed in the focuser.
Figure 12.
The red dot finder scope has vertical and (inset)
horizontal adjustment knobs for aligning it with the telescope.
Figure 13.
The micro-motion rod and thumbwheel allow fine
altitude pointing control.
Power switch
Vertical knob
Yoke knob
lock knob
Horizontal knob