Plan out how you’ll route the
wire to the desired speaker
location. There are several
methods for routing the wire,
and you will most likely need
to combine several of these
Under the Carpet:
One option is to lift up the car-
pet and use tape wire to route
the wire under the carpet.
Behind the Baseboard:
The wire can be routed behind the baseboard by cutting a groove
out of the back of the baseboard, or by buying special baseboard
designed for concealing wires.
Through the Attic:
If the room is under the attic or a crawlspace, the wire can be rout-
ed through there.
Through the Basement:
Likewise, if there’s a basement or crawlspace under the floor, the
wire can be routed through there.
Route the wire through the walls and ceiling to the desired speak-
er location. Be sure to avoid all obstacles such as AC wiring, pipes,
and ducts.
If these speakers are being
installed in a new home during
construction, the installation
process will be a bit different (al-
though much simpler). For these
situations, it’s recommended
you purchase a bracket. In-
structions on how to install the
speakers are provided with the
bracket, or can be found on our
website. Visit www.originacous-
tics.com for more information.
For New Construction
2) Painting the Grille
In some situations the speakers
may look better if the color
matched the walls, ceiling, or
trim in the room. This can be
accomplished by painting the
grille. The grille must be paint-
ed with spray paint, and most
hardware stores will mix a can
of paint to match whatever col-
or you need.
Before painting, carefully
remove the thin cloth on the
underside of the grille. Lightly
spray the front of the grille
with the paint from a distance,
being careful not to plug any
of the holes. Diluting the paint
with paint thinner will lessen
the risk of filling any holes. If a hole is plugged, use a can of com-
pressed air to open it. Once the paint is dry, put the cloth back on
the grille.
3) Cutting the Hole
When you’ve decided on the locations for all of the speakers,
use the template to trace a circle lightly in pencil where the hole
should be. (If you don’t have a template, check the Specifications
section for cutout sizes.) If you’re unsure on whether there may
be obstacles (such as pipes or wires) where you plan on installing
the speaker, drill a ⅛ inch hole in the center of the circle, then put
a bent coat hanger through the hole to feel around. Use a keyhole
or drywall saw to cut the hole.
Figure 7.1: Remove Cloth
Figure 7.2: Paint Grille