ORFLO Technologies Ketchum, ID [email protected] 855-TRY-MOXI www.orflo.com
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Moxi Z – Bluetooth Connectivity Guide
Page 5
Windows XP Bluetooth Pairing – Example 2 (BlueSoleil Driver)
Right-‐mouse-‐button-‐click the Bluetooth
icon in the lower right of the Windows XP
taskbar and select “Bluetooth Suite”
Right-‐mouse-‐button click on the MoxiZ
device and select “Pair” from the menu. If
the device does not appear click on the
“Discovery” link on the left panel. Note:
Make sure the Moxi Z is turned on an in
the appropriate mode (“OS loader mode”
for firmware updating or normal mode
for data transfer)
The Moxi Z device is always in pairing
mode if it is turned on. Select “OK”
Enter pairing code: “0000” (four zeros
without the quotes)
Successful pairing will show a checkbox
next to the device and the “paired” text.
Double – click device to open services.