(33) Follow Me
Four lights are shown on the screen. One of the lights will highlight and a tone will
play. Repeat the tone by pressing the corresponding number key.
The pattern will be repeated and an extra tone will be added on to the end. Try to
remember the pattern and repeat it as it is built up one tone at a time.
(34) Fun Run
Runners holding numbers move across the screen from right to left. Remember the
squence of numbers and type it in the spaces provided.
(35) High Light
Memorize the objects that appear on the screen. These will disappear then reappear
with the addition of a few objects not previously seen. Use the directional cursor
button to select only the objects that first appeared.
(36) Selective Memory
A number of animated vocabulary words are shown on the screen in a random order.
Try to remember the order. Listen carefully to the instruction prompt that tells you
to select one of the words depending on when it appeared. Select the word with the
arrow buttons or by pressing one of the letter keys.
(37) Pair Up
A grid of objects is displayed for a short while and then covered with tiles. Use
the directional cursor button to uncover the objects one pair at a time. When you
uncover the second to last pair the last pair will be revealed automatically.
G18-Manual (AU) 1/18/06 11:18 Page 20