Obey traffic signs & signals
Stop at STOP signs and red lights.
It’s the law to stop for a yellow
light too, and it makes good sense
- rushing through a yellow light
may not leave you enough time to
make it across the intersection
before the light changes.
U s e f u l t i p : Downshift before
stopping at an intersection. This
will help you cross the street more
easily when you start again.
Making a left turn
There are several ways to make a left turn on a bicycle:
As a vehicle. As you approach the intersection, look over your left shoulder
for traffic and, when clear, signal your turn (see page 9), move over to the
left side of the lane (on a two-lane road), or into the left lane or the center-
turn lane (1). You should be
positioned so cars going straight
through can’t pass you on the left.
Yield to on-coming cars before
turning. If you are riding in a bike
lane, or on a road with several
lanes, you need to look and signal
each time you change lanes.
Never make a left turn from
t h e r i g h t s i d e o f t h e r o a d ,
even if you’re in a bike lane.
“Box-style.” Proceed straight
through the intersection on the
right. Then stop, and either
cross as a pedestrian in the
crosswalk ( 2 ), or make a 90
degree left turn and proceed as
if you were coming from the
right (3). If there is a signal,
wait for the green or WALK
signal before crossing. Yield to
pedestrians in crosswalk.
How to make a left turn
Stop at red lights and stop signs