Increase Quality Through Interaction with the Field
Main Motor Plus Power Nozzle Handle Switch Toggled to the Right
Toggling the handle switch from left, past middle, to the right leaves the main
motor as described but applies AC voltage through the handle switch, receptacle,
harness and power nozzle motor. Then out the motor, down the hose, through
neutral or N position on the swivel and harness to the unit’s neutral.
When Nothing Works
Use a Multimeter in Ohms or a Continuity Tester to:
1. If the problem is intermittent you should consider performing steps 1 & 2
while flexing components (swivel, harness, power lead to power switch,
power switch, power lead to cord winder, cord winder contacts) to save
2. Check the hot side between the hot blade of the power cord plug and the
L or center slot on the swivel. This checks the hot leg of the power cord,
cord winder, interconnecting leads, main power switch, more leads,
harness and swivel.
Increase Quality Through Interaction with the Field