Base Station2
operating instructions
Welcome to the world of Base Station2:
This manual describes the functions of Base Station2. Base Station2 links
the Orderman handheld radio terminals to the cashier station or the com-
puter and is used for radio transmission.
Included with Base Station2:
Included with Base Station2 are a screw-on antenna, an Orderman Plug in
power supply 15V, a one-meter RS-232 cable, a DSUB9/Modular6 adaptor
and this operating instructions manual.
Base S tation2 c an be licensed f or a variety o f d ifferent pow er out puts
(number of cell telephones).
Base Station2 also includes a slot for an expansion module.
Your dealer can provide more information about options.
Repairs should be m ade by trained service personnel only. The warranty
terminates immediately if the housing is opened.
Proper use
Safety notes:
Base Station2 must be oper ated with the Orderman Plug in power supply
15V which has been provided only.
Base S tation2 s hould ne ver be e xposed t o ex treme weather c onditions
such as rain, hail, strong sunlight or snowfall. Should damage result, Base
Station2 must be examined by customer service for defects.
The us er s hould not at tempt maintenance of any B ase S tation2 c ompo-