SoundDrive 16 User's Manual
Chapter 3:
Audio Applications
3. To display the Volume Control window with
the Mixer window, choose Volume Control from
the Options menu.
The Extended Recorder
The Extended Recorder can be used to record meet-
ings and for dictation. Like the Audio Recorder,
the Extended Recorder records, compresses, stores
and plays music and other sounds. Unlike the
Audio Recorder, the Extended Recorder com-
presses and stores the audio file directly to your
hard disk using ESPCM compression. The record-
ing time is limited only by the amount of hard disk
space you have available.
The Extended Recorder can record to and play
back from both PCM and .AUD formats. PCM is
the Microsoft Windows 3.1 audio file format. The
.AUD format uses ESPCM compression to pro-
duce an audio file. The Extended Recorder pro-
vides a choice of linear PCM (8-bits or 16 bits) and
ESPCM low (4-bits) compression.
System Requirements
Use the Extended Recorder with a hard disk com-
pression utility only if you have a high-perfor-
mance system and are using a low data rate for
recording and playback. Otherwise, your
computer's CPU may become overloaded.
For Best Results
If you wish to use 16-bit stereo at 44KHz for re-
cording or playback, your system must follow the
specifications below:
• 486 system running at 50MHz or faster
• 8 megabytes of RAM or more