OrCam User Guide
Version 1.3
Page 10
Receiving Upgrades To Your Apps & Devices
As new versions of OrCam software become available, you may receive an
invitation to upgrade your app or coordinate a meeting to receive a new
device. Here are a few guidelines:
1. Upgrading to a new version
may delete all the data you’ve collected so
, including your contacts and photos, and you will have start again. Before
upgrading, consider if this is something you’re willing to do.
2. If an upgrade includes a new device,
never update your app before the
new device is in your hands
and working. New apps do not always work with
old devices.
Always uninstall your last version before installing a new one
. Especially
in Android, if you install on top of your old version – the new one may not
Installing An Update
Uninstall your current version of the MyMe App.
Open your email invite or Beta/Hockeyapp and click the “download”
button to download the new version.
Install the new version once downloaded.