How to Use the Camera Adapter
The camera adapter can hold a personal digital camera or a single use camera loaded with ISO400
type film. To position the adapter, remove the microscope eyepiece and place the camera adapter
over the focusing tube. Place the camera on the camera adapter base plate so that the camera lens
is directly over the hole in the base plate. Then place the “U” shaped camera holder over the camera
and push it down until the camera is held tightly.
If your digital camera has a video display screen you can preview the image for positioning and focus
sharpness. If your camera does not have this screen you may have to experiment with different focus
positions and checking the results. Depending on the camera design you may not need to make any
adjustment. Take your first pictures with the objective lens almost touching the glass slide. Measure
the position of the focusing tube carefully and keep records of each picture taking focus position.
When you find the best position that gives a sharp picture you may want to make a small mark on the
focusing tube so that the microscope can be set the same position for the next pictures you take.
Your best results will be at the 300X setting.
How to Use the Projection Device
1) Twist the eyepiece counter-clockwise and gently pull up to remove it. Insert the viewer head
over the focusing tube.
2) Face the viewer head towards a white wall or a piece of white paper.
3) Turn out the room lights and close any curtains. For best results the room should be dark.
4) Turn on the electric illuminator and place a prepared slide on the stage.
5) Try a distance of 1 to 1.5 meters (3 to 4 feet) from the wall or paper.
6) Adjust the illuminator lamp so that the image is as bright as possible.
7) Carefully adjust the focus until you see a sharp image. You may have to re-adjust the
illuminator position.
8) You should now see a clear projected image. If you use a higher magnification you will have to
re-focus the microscope.