TESTING PROCEDURE (Tests Should Be Performed By A Licensed Electrician ONLY)
Electrical Code and Safety:
All heating cable installations shall be installed according to the National
Electric Code (NEC) Article 424 for space heating.
This equipment shall only be installed by qualified
personnel, who are familiar with the construction, operation, and installation.
(In addition, the installation shall be in accordance with the
regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction.) Caution:
Before You Start:
Field measure the area for which the cable is designed to cover. Verify the area for the project is the same as the area
originally designed. If the area has changed (larger or smaller), please call the factory to assure that the cable will be
effective and operate in a safe manner. If you have any questions, it is important to contact our Tech Support
Department. Any changes in the pre-determined design area can seriously affect the performance of the system.
Do not exceed 15 Watts per square foot indoor in residential applications, or 33.5 Watts per square foot indoor for
commercial or industrial applications with any of the above cables.
Verify that the cable you ordered is the one that you received.
Find your model number in Table 1 (Below) and record the Ohms for later use.
Visually inspect the heating cable before installation to locate obvious flaws or breaks.
With a digital OHM meter, first check resistance between the center conductor and the ground wire
(twisted copper). Reading should be OL or infinity.
After the cable is installed repeat steps 4 & 5 for warranty registration purposes.
It is
that a photo be taken of the floor after the cable is installed and before the final floor
very important
covering is laid. This will serve as a record of location and direction of cable runs. This can be used as
It is a good idea to keep the meter attached to the conductors during the pouring of the floor to note
With a megger, perform a leak test on the cable. (If a megger is not available, step 5 will have to suffice).
Place the positive (red) lead on one of the center conductors and the negative (black) lead on the ground
wire (twisted copper). The reading should be OL or infinity.
Again use a digital OHM meter in order to verify proper Ohm resistance. Place one of the meter’s leads on
each of the cable’s conductors. The reading should be 10% (plus or minus) of the value in step 2.
any sudden change in the recorded value. If this occurs, STOP the installation to determine the cause.
reference for future work to the area to avoid damaging the buried cables.
Nexans TXLP/2 Cable Wattage Output Ratings At Different Voltages