Important! It is normal for Topology tasks to appear while the Brick is being
added to the internal fabric configuration. However, after powering on a
Brick, if the Topology Discovery task completion percentage does not
increment or you repeatedly see Topology Discovery tasks, power off the
Brick and contact the Pillar World Wide Customer Support Center for
12 In the GUI, verify that the new Brick is added to the system. If the Brick has
a status of Normal, there should be no system alerts for Topology errors or
incompatible hardware or software and there should be no Topology
Discovery tasks running.
13 After you complete the system alert to accept this Brick and after you have
verified that the RAID controller firmware version is correct, repeat Step 1
through Step 12 for each new Brick.
After a Brick has been added, you should verify its operational status. The new
Brick will appear in the GUI with a default Brick name that will be the next
assigned name in the sequence Brick001, Brick002, Brick003, and so on. After
the Brick is online, you can use the GUI to assign a more meaningful name. The
Brick status will transition from Booting, to Offline, and finally to Normal. If the
firmware must be upgraded, the Brick may repeat this sequence and might
display a status of Unknown or Missing as the new firmware is installed.
Related references
Cabling Practices for the Pillar Axiom 600 System
Related tasks
Install a Brick Storage Enclosure
Set the Identity of Bricks
Complete the Brick Pre-Installation Checklist
Verify a Newly Added Brick
While adding new Bricks, verify the status of each Brick as the Brick is powered
on to ensure that it has been added to the Pillar Axiom 600 system configuration.
Do not wait to conduct the status checks after a few Bricks have been added
because doing the status check in a batch might increase the possibility of
bringing other resources offline.
1 After the new Brick is powered on, verify the status of the LEDs. If the new
Brick is directly cabled to the Slammer, verify that the FS port LEDs are
solid green. If the new Brick is connected to another Brick, verify that the
Fiber Channel (FC) port LEDs on the new Brick are solid green.
Appendix D Expansion of a Pillar Axiom 600 System Configuration
About Expanding a Pillar Axiom 600 Configuration