Note! If the documents and covers are thinner, it is necessary to use a O.Filing sticky
strips avalible from OPUS suppies, to make it thick enough to bind. When useing channels
5 to 16 use binding bar (B), and for channels 20-32 use binding bar (A) in the binding
slot (3) before you start binding.
2. Move the clamping lever (2) to the left till it stops.
3. Depending on which binding bar is used (A or B) the extended back support (5) can be adjusted
to suit the thickness of the binding bar accordingly. If binding with bar (A) move Extended back
support towards the lever so the cover is flat against the support, when binding with bar (B)
move the extended back support (5) forward to support the cover is kept straight and flat.
4. Put the binding bar (A or B) into the binding slot, opposite the Coverguide. Now put the channel
in making sure the bar is flat and facing the jaw. When using A4 channels ensure you slide it to
the left, fixed side stop(8). when using smaller channels, use the adjustable side stop (9) to keep
the channel in the center of the binding jaw which can be seen on the ruler scale on the binding
bars (A) and (B).
5. With the channel in the slot, move the clamp lever (2) to the right. When the mechanism is rele-
ased, the binding jaw with the Cover Guide will automatically move to the channel and lock it
in the binding slot.
6. Take the documents making sure they are even then, put it between the covers, check the pages
are centered which will leave a small gap from the edges of covers all round.
Make sure the fount cover is facing towards you.
7. Take the documents and covers holding them
firmly and push carefully into the channel
between the protrusions at each end in the
channel in the binding slot.
If there are no parturitions at each end, ensure
covers are centered in the channel.
8. Use the plus
or minus
signs to set the
binding force (see Chapter 6
binding strength
9. Press and release the 2 buttons on the side at the same time, you will hear a „beep” which START
the binding process.
The first LED lights up followed by one after the other until it reaches the binding force that has
been previously set.
When the binding force has been set up, the LED lights up and the first LED lights start blinking.
When the binding process has completed, the jaw will open and the LED will turn off.
If you use the wrong channel with insufficient documents, jaw will move forward and go back
without binding.
The LEDs described in step 8, will not light up and the first LED will not blink. Wait until the equ-
ipment stop and the LEDs described in step 8 will start blinking you can and try again or remove
and add more documents.