Optus Business Mobile Broadband (Biz Mobile Broadband plans) -
enter access point name
Recommended: UMTS connect method:
Automatically connect upon traffic
when you’re done.
10. Wireless:
If you want to enable wireless, tick
. If not, just leave it un-ticked.
when you’re done and go to step 12.
11. Wireless Encryption:
Add encryption to your wireless network to prevent unauthorised traffic monitoring
and access.
If you have enabled wireless, select an authentication method and fill in the appropriate
encryption settings. Don’t forget to record the Authentication key, as you’ll need to
enter this when you set up the WLAN connection.
Encryption methods:
• None: not recommended except during installation of your network.
• WPA: Wi-Fi Protected Access is a 256-bit encryption method.
• WPA2: A more secure version of WPA with implementation of the 802.11i standard.
• WPA and WPA2: A combination of both security protocols listed above.
• 802.1X WeP: Wireless equivalent Privacy is a 64 bit or 128-bit encryption method with user
configurable fixed keys.
12. Firewall policy:
Select your desired firewall policy. Click
when you’re done.
• WeP: Wireless equivalent Privacy is a 64 bit or 128-bit encryption method with user configurable
fixed keys.
• Authentication Only: Any user accessing web pages through Wireless LAN will be redirected to
the web console and asked to authenticate themselves.
13. Wizard Installation completed:
Confirm all your settings are correct and click
when you’re done.
14. Connect to the internet:
to connect to the internet from the management console or
III unit.
You can now open a web browser and begin surfing!
If you are only using the ethernet LAN connection, no further configuration is needed.
If you require wireless connection (WLAN) additional settings are required.
Software updates may require downloading before the router is ready to connect.
Please wait for these to complete before connecting.