background image

amaZing ColourS

The  ES522  incorporates  BrilliantColor™  technology  to  produce 
stunningly bright images with perfectly balanced life-like colours. 

Colour PErFormanCE

optoma guarantees colour quality will remain as new 
for 5 years*

Once  you’ve  purchased  the  ES522,  Optoma  guarantees  that  the 
colours will not fade and the image performance will not degrade for 
a minimum of 5 years. 



  6 preset picture modes

  Quick keystone correction

  Password protection for added security

  Easy to use remote with laser pointer, mouse control and 

direct source selecting

mainTEnanCE FrEE = lowEr ToTal CoST  
oF ownErShiP (TCo)

DLP® technology ensures lower cost of ownership, longer life and 
improved reliability compared to other technologies.

Filter-free projector design means no more regular filter cleaning or 
replacements, saving you time and money.

TimE anD EnErgy SaVingS

The ES522 incorporates energy saving  features to conserve power 
and extend lamp life:

  The  timer  control  functions  can  automatically  switch  the 

projector off to standby mode <1W, conserving power and 
extending the lamp life to an astonishing 4000 hours**.


It takes less than 10 seconds for the projector to power 
up and shutdown, so the ES522 not only saves time but 
energy too. 

CuSTomiSED STarT uP logo

Capture your favourite image as the start up logo and see it every 
time you turn your projector on.

